World Prayer Today

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A surprising note from Afghanistan

September 08, 2023

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. -Proverbs 18:10

Very few Christians live in Afghanistan. Those who choose to follow Jesus are most often forced to live in secret. If discovered, their family, clan, or tribe saves its honor by disowning the believer, or even killing him or her. And yet, believers like Ali are risking it all to study and share His Word. Ali writes:

“Dear friends. I hope you are in the safe hands of Jesus Christ and full of heavenly blessings! I am grateful to report on a group that listens to you. Each of us is a member of a believing family. About six or seven of us have constant access to the Internet, and we hope to God that we can be blessed by your presence and grow in the field of our faith, so that slowly, with God’s help, this land will be cleansed from dark forces. We plan to announce God’s love and healing to our people. I pray that one day this land will be free and you will be able to come worship with us. In the meantime, we do not live in fear, knowing that at any time we can seek safety with Him. Please pray we are granted favor in this mission.”

Today as we pray for God’s Word as it goes out in this spiritually hostile land, thank Him for those who are coming to faith despite the risks. Thank the Lord that He is their strong tower and when they run to Him, they are safe.

Our journey in prayer heads to the Middle East on Monday. Join us and invite a friend to come along.

Listen here to TTB-Pashto.