World Prayer Today

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Learning to let our anxiety go

September 22, 2023

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. -1 Peter 5:7

No matter who we are or where we live, at some point anxiety has likely crept into our lives. Whatever it is that keeps us in pain and from peace, God loves us so much He offers to take the burden from us. That’s what we hear from Lena as we pray our way through Poland. Here’s the rest of her story.

“I worry about everything. My health began to deteriorate from depression and panic. There have been days when everything slips out of my hands, and I feel as empty inside as ever. I stay in bed all day and thoughts of suicide consume my mind. My friends and neighbors began to worry. That’s when a woman came to sit with me each night and introduced me to your program. Together we prayed God would give me a bit of health to catch up on my home and work. My doctor was surprised at my small transformation, and she began to listen as well. Now I commend everything to God every day. I thank Him for all that I have and give Him my fears one by one. I’m starting to learn how to trust Him and find peace in my heart. Please pray that I can let the fear go completely, and that one day I will be fully healed.”

Together let’s pray for all who struggle with fear and anxiety:

Lord, thank You that You willingly carry our burdens. Help us to cast our anxious thoughts on You before they consume us. Remind us to reach out to You in our helplessness before we try to sort things ourselves. We are grateful that You promise to be our help in times of trouble. Thank You for being such a faithful God. Like Lena’s neighbors and doctor, give those around us wisdom and discernment in how to help us and keep us safe. Through it all, help us to hear Your voice and know You are near. In the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Can one THRU the BIBLE listener make a difference? The answer is YES! Find out more as we meet in Liberia on Monday.

Listen here to TTB-Polish.