World Prayer Today

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Praying for hope and help in Belize

October 06, 2023

Welcome, prayer travelers. Today our journey brings us to the gorgeous country of Belize. While many consider it a traveler’s paradise, each day many Belizeans struggle to survive. As we pray our way through this country of contrasts, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • More than four out of ten people live in poverty.
  • The family structure has been decimated; many children are orphaned or left to support themselves.
  • The majority of Belizeans profess Christianity, but only 10% attend church regularly.
  • Christianity is often combined with other religious practices, including superstitions, paganism, and black magic.
  • 70% of pastors hold several jobs in order to support their families.  

The needs are great, but as we learned in our study of Psalm 121 today on the Bible Bus, God is with us. Let’s use each verse to pray for our brothers and sisters in Belize.

Psalm 121 Prayer Prompts:

verse 1: Heavenly Father, we look to You, knowing that You love the people of Belize and their help can only come from You.

verse 2: Thank You, Lord. Knowing You are the Maker of heaven and earth reassures us of Your power over their great need.

verse 3: You are our Protector who keeps our feet firmly on the ground. We can trust You never to sleep and always have Your good plan in mind for those who love You.

verse 4: You love Your children in Belize. Thank You that You are their shield, day and night.

verse 5: When our brothers and sisters in Belize fear, we pray they come to You, Lord. Please cover them with Your peace and comfort.

verse 6: Help them to rest secure in Your hands, knowing they will never be struck down. That their needs will be met. You are the One who made the heavens, earth, sun, moon, and stars. Replace their fear with Your great love.

verse 7: When life seems too much, remind Belizeans You are there protecting them from all harm and walking with them. Help them to trust their lives to Your safekeeping.

verse 8: When they rise or sleep, we pray they rest in Your arms, knowing You hold them safe, both now and forever. All praise, glory, and honor be to Your great name forever!

In the precious name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Good stuff is happening in Home Groups. Next week we’ll pray for God’s Word as it goes out in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and more.

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