World Prayer Today

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Praying against depression

October 18, 2023

But You, O Lord, are a shield for me,my glory and the One who lifts up my head. -Psalm 3:3

Our journey through North America continues this week as we stop and pray with Angie in California. Here’s her story.

“I’m grateful for my 89-year-old dad who insisted I listen to this program, even though I didn’t want to. Now I never miss a message. I’m extremely sad and suffer from depression. It’s really a bad episode this time. Dr. McGee makes me laugh, but he also makes me cry when he teaches certain parts of the Bible. As he teaches, the Holy Spirit makes the Bible come alive and, by doing so, invokes all kinds of different emotions. These are good emotions, not the kind induced by this wicked depression. Please pray for me.”

Angie isn’t alone. Approximately 280 million people struggle with depression, and it’s nearly 50% more common among women than among men. Today, let’s pray for Angie and all our brothers and sisters who battle this difficult disorder:

Loving Father, with heavy hearts we come to You on behalf of those who are struggling with the darkness of depression. Guard their hearts and give them Your courage when life seems unbearable. Give them strength to rise up each day and fight against all that seeks to weigh them down. Lead them to places and people who can best help. Lord, shield them from the enemy who wants to destroy them and lift their heads (Psalm 3:3) so they only see You and the glorious inheritance they have to look forward to. In the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Your work matters to God. Find out more tomorrow as we pray our way through Mexico.