World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

The precious blood of Jesus

November 28, 2023

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. -Ephesians 2:13

How did you come to believe in Jesus Christ? Through a family member? A teacher? At church? Our stories are likely very different, but the result is the same: We were once far from God and now we are near.

As you thank God for His grace in your life today, celebrate the story of this listener who recently hopped aboard the Bible Bus from his home in South Sudan:

“Thank you for telling me how to be saved from hell. I did not understand that I needed to believe in Jesus to be saved. I thought being a good person was enough. One day I heard your program, and it changed me. At first, I was frightened, but after listening for a while it began to make sense. I am grateful that I am now near to God and able to speak with Him directly. The blood of Jesus is precious to me.”

Your prayers are making a difference in the lives of listeners like this one in South Sudan and around the world. Be encouraged and keep praising God and praying for His Word as it goes out today.

Join us tomorrow as we continue to praise Him for all the new brothers and sisters who have joined us on the Bible Bus this year.