World Prayer Today

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“I am a changed man”

December 01, 2023

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. -Philippians 2:3

“I am a changed man.”

That’s the good news we received from a listener named Roton who hops about the Bible Bus in the language of Bengali. Here’s his story:

“I own a grocery shop. I was very jealous and could not tolerate other people’s success. I tried to hinder people who were thriving. I was invited to a home group and started listening to your program. I became a Christian, and from the Word of God I learned that God is love and we should love others. I understood my weakness and mistakes and I started to feel love for the people for whom I was jealous. I now try to regard others as more important than myself. Not long ago the home group began meeting in my store, and we are growing together. I thank God for changing my life through His living Word.”

As our journey of prayer and praise continues, let’s thank God for the difference He makes in our lives through His Word.

Heavenly Father, thank You that knowing You and studying Your Word changes us and makes us more like You. As we draw close, help us to do nothing out of selfish motives or arrogance. Give us humble hearts, so that we value others above ourselves. May how we treat each person we meet glorify You. In Jesus' name, amen.

We’re celebrating God’s goodness all month long. Join us tomorrow in Syria.

Listen here to TTB-Bengali.