World Prayer Today

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How to pray for Central African Republic

March 06, 2024

Diamonds, gold, uranium, and oil are in ample supply throughout Central African Republic (CAR), yet it has the fifth highest poverty rate in the world.

Welcome, World Prayer Team. Today as we travel together on our knees, here are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • More than 70% of CAR’s population live in extreme poverty.
  • Half of the people are under the age of fifteen.
  • Over one million of CAR’s 4.6 million people live in camps that provide little sanitation, have limited access to clean water, are surrounded by mud, and riddled with disease.
  • Violence and fighting have left the justice system, schools, and administration centers understaffed and inefficient.
  • The economy is dependent on subsistence agriculture, yet even with World Bank loans, economic recovery is prevented by a lack of secure infrastructure and the threat of resurgent rebel factions.
  • More than half of CAR’s people consider themselves Christian, but they mix their faith with local animistic traditions and have a very limited grasp of biblical truth.

If there’s one thing we’re learning as we travel through God’s Word, it’s that He is in control. Ask Him to meet both the spiritual and physical needs of people in Central African Republic. As they come before Him on their knees, may He lift their heads and provide them with all they need to live joyful and fruitful lives as His children.

Tomorrow in Gabon we pray for a listener who wants to be focused and fruitful. Join us for the journey.

Listen to TTB-African French.