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When faith falters
April 03, 2024
… And whatever he does shall prosper. -Psalm 1:3
Life can be a bit much. We start most days with the best intentions, but somewhere along the way our burdens and struggles creep in—silly things like spilling our coffee on our clean, pressed clothes as we drive to a meeting, or important things like mounting bills and unresolved health issues. As Christians, how do we go on with joy and confidence? Benecio in Buenos Aires, Argentina, encourages us to begin with the end in mind. Here’s his story:
“Blessings, beloved brothers and sisters. In all I have learned from you, one thing has remained above all others: God prospers us in everything—always, and in His way. Whatever I do during the day, I remind myself that Jesus Christ died on the cross victoriously. It is done, it is guaranteed.
“When I begin to waver in faith and reach for fear, I turn to your instruction in God’s Word to steady me. I make His Word my meditation while I work and go or come back. There I find peace and clarity to look at my situation. Knowing the end of the story helps in the daily struggle.”
Praise God that when we look beyond our present circumstances and seek Him, we find the reassurance, purpose, and hope to go on. Pray today all those on the Bible Bus with us are able to trust His plan and, like Benecio, believe that as His children He will prosper us in His way.
Christianity isn’t a checklist, it’s an invitation. That’s what Pedro in Brazil is learning. Hear more tomorrow as we travel together on our knees.
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