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Praying for “confidential Christians”
April 16, 2024
Home to over 238 million people, Pakistan is a majority-Muslim nation. While 96% of the population identifies as Sunni or Shia Muslim, only 1.6% identifies as Christian. Despite constitutional guarantees of religious freedom, Pakistani Christians are among the most persecuted in the world—subjected to threats, violence, and discrimination. So today let’s praise God for fellow Bible Bus passengers like Nazeer. Here’s his story:
“Your email in response to my inquiry was much appreciated. I learned so many new things about Christianity. Now I am a regular student and have come to experience God’s love in my life. Since hearing about God and His salvation plan, I realized that I am a sinner and I believed in Jesus as my Savior. I am feeling very great pleasure that I am changed. I need prayers for my own spiritual growth in this new faith. I also need prayers for my wife, that she may also learn about this. I am forced to be confidential since people would not accept me if I exposed to others that I am a Christian.”
Let’s bring Nazeer and all our brothers and sisters in Pakistan before the Lord:
Father, thank You for those who risk it all to follow You. Protect them as they worship You in secret. Strengthen those who gather. Give them wisdom to know who to trust, when to speak, and when to stay silent. Thank You for their faith and perseverance and for the courage of those who, despite the danger, share Your truth and love. As Your Word goes out on THRU the BIBLE, grow their faith, encourage them, and add to their numbers—beginning with their families and expanding to those they meet. In the precious name of Jesus, amen.
We’re praying for student in India tomorrow. We’ll see you in Tripura.
Listen here to TTB-Pashto.