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Live simply and faithfully
May 03, 2024
Life can be complicated. It’s easy to be a slave to deadlines, errands, events, inboxes, and to-do lists. Joon in South Korea found himself frequently overwhelmed and needed some help. Here’s his story.
“I had the life I always wanted. A good job, a nice family, and income to support the things we needed and many things we wanted. Yet somehow it all began to feel like a burden. I was overwhelmed by anxious thoughts and an inability to relax. Then I found your teaching. It touched my heart and made me realize I was not living wisely. I was focused on pleasing myself, my family, my bosses, and not the Lord.
“As I studied God’s Word, things got better. My life didn’t change, but my focus did. The Word of God became my foundation and strength. I found peace through prayer. Now I pray more than I ever thought I would. I started simply by focusing on my family, but God has expanded my thinking. He has guided many of my prayers to North Korea. I pray that people living under this regime may hear THRU the BIBLE and come to faith in Christ the Lord. I know their lives are far more complicated than any of us realize and want them to find the peace that I have.”
As we hop aboard the Bible Bus each day, ask God to help us each live more simply and faithfully. Like Joon, may God’s priorities become ours. Start by praying for God’s Word to be heard and find favor in both South and North Korea, then expand and pray for others as He brings them to mind.
May is Letter Month. Let’s pray for our fellow World Prayer Team members. We’ll meet you on Monday in Pennsylvania.
Listen here to TTB-Korean.