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Giving credit to God
May 08, 2024
Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples! -1 Chronicles 16:8
When something good happens in your life, do you tell someone (or everyone) you know? Do you post it on social media? Or take photos to remember? Here’s another question: Do you give credit to God?
First Chronicles 16:8 reminds us that part of being thankful is letting others know of His gracious works so they, too, can see His goodness.
This is why we love hearing your stories and sharing them. John from Michigan recently wrote to share his story. Let’s rejoice together:
“I am moved today to write to Thru the Bible for the first time in my life. Dr. McGee reached me over 40 years ago when I was a young man. His voice is so much like my grandfather's voice who was also a believer and followed the Word of God.
“I am a retired US Army soldier of 27 years and, to be honest, my life is, as is so often for us combat veterans, a mess on the surface. I sinned in so many ways without knowledge and sometimes with knowing. I have great remorse for many of my actions in the past, and I am working now to repair and repent to those I wronged. Soldiers can be hardened by war and a tough life without ever realizing. The result is broken families and much pain and sorrow. Jesus is now my Lord, and I have surrendered all I am to Him. His Word and truth are the source of life and, through God’s Word, Dr. McGee helps me to remember this every day.
“I listen to the podcast while I am walking for exercise. I am a committed World Prayer Team member in addition to a faithful contributor as part of my tithe. I want you to know that this ministry is a mainstay in my life. I am so appreciative of the work you do for God.”
Praise God for the hope and healing He is bringing to John, fellow soldiers, and so many others as we study His Word. Pray more people come to know and believe Him as THRU the BIBLE goes out in more than 250 languages. (And thank you, John, for sharing your story!)
Have you shared God’s goodness in your life recently? Tell someone today and be sure to tell us, too. Email us at [email protected].