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God understands us and cares
May 17, 2024
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich. -2 Corinthians 8:9
Jesus didn’t come to save the rich and those who have it all together. He came to save those who are poor, those who are hurting and broken, those who are lost, those whose lives are torn apart, those who are hungry, those who are born into horrible situations, and those who have created their own. He left the glory of heaven and came to a dirty, stinky stable on earth. He came to save each of us regardless of our circumstances, regardless of our position in life, regardless of the choices we have made in the past. That’s the message Alli in Niger recently heard. Here’s his story.
“In my country we are mostly Muslim and we are very poor … among the poorest in the world. I was angry about this for so long, but then I found your programs. I now would like to tell the whole world, especially my Muslim brothers, to listen because it is Jesus Christ who is the solution to all the sufferings that we men and women have. It is in the Lord Jesus Christ alone that there is true peace. He came to save us from our misery. He was poor, He was abused, He was cast out. He understands. He cares for us. This program has put me on the right and good path, and I cannot help but share it with others. May God bless you again and again for this teaching.”
Alli is right. God does care and understand. So much so, He sent His own precious, blameless Son to die so that we can have eternal life. Knowing this, pray today with confidence. Ask God to meet the great physical and spiritual needs of the poor and hopeless in Niger. Pray knowing that He loves His people and He loves to answer our requests.
Join us next time as we boldly pray in what is known as the epicenter of Islam—Saudi Arabia.
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