World Prayer Today

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Praying for righteousness to rain down upon us

June 17, 2024

Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you. -Hosea 10:12

“In my youth I squandered so much time. I loved the Lord, but I often lacked the discipline to spend time with Him in His Word. I am now 83 and as I’ve slowed down, I see my age as a gift.”

That’s the letter we recently received from a listener in South Africa. He continues:

“While I miss not being able to go to church, I am fully present before the Lord as I listen to your program. I sometimes imagine all the others listening with me and I am in the pew once again, but more focused on what matters and less distracted by outward things.”

As THRU the BIBLE goes out in more than 250 languages today (including Afrikaans), let’s pray Hosea 10:12 together:

Father, thank You for the wisdom shared by this listener. Help us to follow his example and come willingly to Your Word with anticipation and excitement. Focus our minds so our time is not squandered but wisely invested in time spent with You. Soften our hearts so that we seek You before everything else. Break up our fallow ground so we are ready for Your good Word to take root in our hearts. In the precious name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Our prayers are being answered. Celebrate with us tomorrow in Botswana.

Listen here to TTB-Afrikaans.