World Prayer Today

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God’s Word speaks to the difficult circumstances in our lives

July 11, 2024

Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,“This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left. -Isaiah 30:21

“God’s Word is eternal, but I’m finding He uses it to speak to the circumstances of our lives.” 

That’s what we hear from Sonia Roy, a Home Group leader in Bangladesh. Here’s more of what she says:

“For a long time, I have been listening to the Word of God through the media kits with my family and group members. From my childhood, I have suffered from problems in both my eyes. Last year they began to deteriorate quickly. My doctor has advised me that I need proper treatment, otherwise I will completely lose my eyesight. I do not have the financial ability to arrange proper treatment, but I know God is my healer and provider. He speaks to me through His Word, and I know He is with me. Whether I am healed or not, God’s Word gives me great peace and strength. I have learned to listen for His voice to guide me, and I will not stop now.”

Today, thank Him for Sonia Roy and all those who are trusting Him with the unknown and unsettling details of their lives. Pray more people in Bangladesh hear His Word and discover eternal life and peace as they come to know Him and find Him in His Word.

Loving Father, we praise and thank You for Your faithfulness, even when we are faced with difficult circumstances. Thank You that we can trust You with everything—and for Your Word that guides us. Thank You for Sonia Roy who reminds us what faith looks like. We pray for the many in Bangladesh who still haven’t heard Your voice. Open their ears and their hearts so they too can know life in Your name. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, amen.

A listener in Tamil Nadu finds hope in the Matthew 11:28. Hear her story tomorrow as we pray in Tamil Nadu.