World Prayer Today

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Praying for new life in Yemen

September 23, 2024

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. -2 Corinthians 5:17

“Is Jesus real?”

That’s the question Samira in Yemen recently asked our team in the Middle East. Here’s more of her story:

“I wish to know more about your Bible and your faith. I have started listening to your program after I read a post on your Facebook page. The title drew my attention and then I clicked the link and started listening to two messages a day. At first it was hard to understand, but interest has grown in my heart. I would like to know about your faith. I would like to keep feeling these beautiful, new, and strange things while I learn about the Bible. Help me, please.”

Pray for Samira and all those who hear THRU the BIBLE in Arabic; and praise God for the work His Spirit is already doing in their lives. Ask Him to open blind eyes and soften hearts that lead to repentance. God is the One who brings true conviction of sin and creates new lives.

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Listen here to TTB-Arabic.