World Prayer Today

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Answered prayer in Uganda

October 18, 2024

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. -James 1:22

In the community of Ntungamo, Uganda, God is answering our prayers. Together let’s celebrate this email from a fellow Bible Bus passenger:

“I give all the glory to God for the change that has been brought in my life and the lives of many people through your programs. Many of us were encouraged to spread the Word of God to other people. The Word has been put into action. We are doers of the Word and not just listeners as you have taught us.

“I have seen many lives restored, more people are being added to the family of God, and above all, people are hungry for His Word, unlike before. I have also gained deeper knowledge and revelations, which has enabled me to preach with boldness. Through this teaching we have learned how to walk, speak, and relate as believers. I praise God for bringing it to us.”

What a great report. Thank you for your prayers that are making this possible. Let’s continue to ask the Lord to draw more people in Uganda and all over the world to hear God’s Word and put it into action.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the changes Your Word is bringing to Ntungamo. We are grateful for our brothers and sisters who share Your Word with passion and boldness. As we study together, shape our hearts and actions, and guide us to live in accordance with Your will. Help us to reflect Your love and grace to those around us.

Thank You for the lessons we learn from these believers and for the reminder to not just hear Your Word but to actively live it out. We trust Your continued guidance and blessings as we reach out in Your name. In the precious name of Jesus, amen.

New believers in Bangladesh step out and share their faith. Hear their inspiring story next time as we travel together in prayer.