World Prayer Today

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Grab your sword

May 29, 2024

In our study of Ephesians, Dr. J. Vernon McGee is clear: We have an enemy that wants to slaughter us, but God has given us everything we need for the battle—including the sword of the Spirit.

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We have a glorious future ahead

May 28, 2024

We have a glorious future ahead. We received that message loud and clear today as the Bible Bus traveled through Isaiah 61 and 62. Dick in New Hampshire heard the same thing in our study of Colossians.

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Praying for the isolated in Iran

May 23, 2024

We were created to love and worship God. Celebrating His presence and power as individuals and together as a church is one of the most rewarding experiences in the Christian life.

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Prayer prompts for Oman

May 21, 2024

Our journey through the Middle East continues with a visit to Oman. It’s rare for THRU the BIBLE to hear from listeners in this Muslim-dominant country.

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God understands us and cares

May 17, 2024

Jesus didn’t come to save the rich and those who have it all together. He came to save those who are poor, those who are hurting and broken, those who are lost, those whose lives are torn apart, those who are hungry, those who are born into horrible situations, and those who have created their own.

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Let’s get going for God

May 15, 2024

“There are a lot of Christians today who should wake up, and get up, and get going for God,” shared Dr. J. Vernon McGee today as the Bible Bus traveled through Isaiah 50 and 51. And Salif in Burkina Faso agrees.

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“Therefore submit to God …”

May 14, 2024

Repentance is not a box on a checklist to get into heaven; it’s an everyday action, a humble, obedient response in walking with our Lord. Diyoshak in Nigeria recently discovered this for himself.

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Sin loses power when we follow God

May 10, 2024

“My understanding of God’s love has grown since I was saved. He lifted me up out of some impossible places and showed me that He truly does not cast anyone out,” shares James, a fellow Bible Bus passenger, as we travel on our knees to South Carolina.

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