World Prayer Today

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Jesus is our ladder between heaven and earth

April 05, 2023

“Jesus was suspended between heaven and earth. Christ became the ladder let down from heaven to this earth, so men and women might have a way to God.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee from The Cross Through Jesus’ Eyes

God uses the situations and circumstances of our lives to get our attention. It might be a surprising new job opportunity, the exciting and overwhelming birth of child, or perhaps an unwelcome health diagnosis. But with these blessings and challenges we’re also given new insights into God’s work in our lives. That’s the story we hear from Aarvi, a listener of THRU the BIBLE in Bengali. He writes:

“I have been listening the TTB-Bengali program for the last two to three months. Pray that I will be able to understand the programs. I met with an accident, but God miraculously saved me through it. His grace is beyond my imagination. Now I trust God in all I do. Please pray that I will continue to believe in Jesus as I do not know any Christians.”

As our countdown to Resurrection Sunday continues, praise God for Jesus—our ladder between heaven and earth. Thank Him for the new life He has offered Aarvi and the many who have joined us on the Bible Bus this year. And while we’re on our knees, share your gratitude for the many ways He uses your circumstances—both the good and the bad—to bring you in closer fellowship to Him.

Our journey of praise brings us to Kazakhstan. Hear a great story of how God is using the lack of internet to get out His Word.

Listen here to TTB-Bengali.