Articles & News

Keep it Up, World Prayer Team!

March 26, 2017 Kneeling in Prayer Recently in a studio conversation between Gregg Harris, TTB’s president, and Steve Shwetz, our radio host, we heard once again how God is blessing the prayers of His people—specifically the faithful support of the World Prayer Team.  

Steve said, “The World Prayer Team is one of the foundations to the success of this ministry. The team is made up of listeners from all over the world, but particularly those in North America, who consistently pray for God’s favor on this ministry and for fruitfulness in taking His Word worldwide to people who often have no other way to hear about the love of God. The truth is, this ministry should not fly—it is a ‘bumblebee’ in the broadcasting world. But we believe God gives us favor and opportunities to go where other ministries can’t or don’t go, in large part because of the faithful and fervent prayers of our listeners.”

Of the many recent emails from World Prayer Team members, read just a few to see how God is working in and through them to take His whole Word to the whole world:
  • “The first thing I do online every day is read and pray with Thru the Bible. I lead a women’s Bible study, and to begin the study each week I share one prayer prompt from the World Prayer Team email. Thank you for this encouragement to pray!” –Becky, Indianapolis, IN
  • “My daughter (home-schooled) and I put a globe on our kitchen table where every day we listen to your program, pray with the World Prayer Team, and learn our geography.  The world seems a lot bigger now, since we are learning of so many previously unknown countries over the globe, and also a lot smaller, as we realize we have ‘family’ everywhere. It is a privilege and pleasure to support the Bible Bus.”—Christine
  • “I love to know that God Himself loves to hear the prayers of His people. It’s what makes it a joy to open the email every day from TTB and to read stories about how Dr. McGee has found another pupil for the Bible Bus!” –Rick
  • “I feel a great reward from being a World Prayer partner. I especially enjoy hearing of how people come to God from remote areas of the world where the Word is prohibited. I have closed my eyes in prayer and imagined people living in tents on the plains but whose radio antennas point upwards to catch Dr. McGee’s teaching programs.” –Claudette,  Blaine, WA 
  • “Such wonderful ways our God has of reaching His people— i.e. a thumb drive shared by a neighbor or a happenstance of overhearing the broadcast and later seeking or being invited to listen. It gives me great joy to be able to pray for provision and safety—such joy in seeing God's church grow around the world with new believers seeking Him in His Word.” –Diane