Articles & News

What Do You Bring to God?

June 27, 2023

How do you want to live your life in God? You have three choices: By the Law. By license. By liberty. The Law strangles you with rules, but license kills you with permissiveness. Only when you live as free as you are in Christ does life work out for you as God intended.

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The Fifth Gospel

June 30, 2022

The book of Acts, sometimes called the fifth Gospel, is a continuation of the four Gospels. Matthew concludes with the Resurrection, Mark with the Ascension, Luke with the promise of the Holy Spirit, and John with the promise of the Second Coming—all of these funnel down into the first chapter of Acts. And as all four do, Acts confirms the great missionary call, “Take this good news to the world!”

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A Love Story

May 26, 2022

When you think of the grand and sweeping truth the Bible covers, from cover to cover, you might wonder why God devotes an entire book to the story of a young woman who came from a foreign country into the land of Israel.

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A View from the Cross

March 23, 2022

“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Remember when Jesus cried this from His cross? Did you know He was quoting Psalm 22? Follow along with Dr. McGee as we see the events of the cross from Jesus’ perspective … and the ancient Psalms.

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In the Beginning

February 25, 2022

The Gospel of John is one of the easiest books to read, yet one of the most profound Gospels to understand. We might get the surface meaning easily enough, but to understand the deep truths, we need the Lord Jesus to be our teacher.

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Why Do You Want to Go to Heaven?

February 26, 2021

Ask yourself, Why do I want to go to heaven? As you ponder that question, think of your relationship with Jesus Christ. If you want to be with Him in heaven, begin your relationship here and now.

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God Loves You So Much …

July 31, 2020

The words of John 3:16—arguably the most well-known verse in the Bible—are simple. In fact, most of the words you read in the Gospel of John are so simple a child can read them, but they are also so profound that I wonder if any one of us really knows what they mean.

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How Can I Be Close to God?

June 29, 2020

John tells us we can have fellowship with God! One of the most glorious prospects before us today is that we can have fellowship with the Father, with the Son, and with one another.

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Only in Christ Jesus

April 03, 2020 April 2020 McGee article

How can man stand before God? We can’t. But in Jesus Christ, because of His grace, we stand. Dr. McGee highlights our great salvation in Christ Jesus in his study, “One Hour in Romans.” Let this excerpt stir gratitude in you for the grace in which we stand because of the cross of Jesus Christ.

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Faith for All Three of You

December 31, 2019 Jan 2020 feature article

Faith is a personal confidence in God. That’s all. That confidence touches everything we are. God directs the gospel to all that we are, and invites us to respond in all three parts of our being.

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Look at the Cross

March 22, 2019 cross in forest

God made His Son’s soul an offering for sin. Christ Jesus was treated as sin, for we are told in 2 Corinthians 5:21 that He was made sin for us—Him who knew no sin.

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How Does God Save Us?

September 24, 2018 cross in forest

Ephesians has the definitive description of our wonderful salvation in Christ Jesus. Dr. McGee shares about a conversation he had that answers the great question, just how does God save us?

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Wonderful Peace

October 30, 2017 cabin on water

There is a peace that comes to the soul of one who has trusted Christ as Savior and knows that God no longer has any charge against him, that he is no longer guilty.

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A Convenient Season

July 25, 2017 Fields of green

Felix and Drusilla has a private interview with the greatest preacher of the grace of God that the world has ever known. The door of the kingdom was opened, and they had their opportunity to enter.

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