Articles & News

How God Opens His Word to Us

July 04, 2024

When the Bible says “meditate,” God is asking us to “ponder.” Different from just reading or studying, meditating is sitting with God’s truth for a while—giving it careful consideration.

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Why Study Lamentations?

July 04, 2024

This small book is the saddest book in the Bible. It’s Jeremiah’s funeral dirge, like he’s singing the blues as he walked the destroyed streets of Jerusalem.

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How Do We Live Now?

May 30, 2024

Paul gets very practical and gives us three different ways we demonstrate that we believe in the coming of Christ. It will impact our attitude toward the Word, our walk, and our work.

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Why Study 2 Thessalonians?

May 30, 2024

Did Jesus already come back? Did we miss Him? That’s what the Christians in Thessalonica were concerned about. Someone spread the rumor that Jesus had already gathered the church and they were living in the Great Tribulation. Paul wrote this letter to assure them that “our gathering together with Him” is yet future.

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Why Study 1 Thessalonians?

May 30, 2024

When the new church gathering in Thessalonica around 50 a.d. read the letters Paul wrote them, they had only followed Jesus Christ as Savior for about a month. This first letter comforted them with solid teaching about Jesus’ return.

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What Isaiah Saw

April 29, 2024

What brings life’s greatest satisfaction? Ask anyone who has walked with God for a long time, and they’ll likely say a similar thing: To know you are doing what pleases God. But how do you know God’s will? With that as our foundation, let’s peek into the throne room of heaven at a glimpse of God never seen before ....

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Our Sacrificial Lamb

March 28, 2024

All the way from Abel to John the Baptist, Scripture uses the figure of the lamb. This verse from Isaiah was what the Ethiopian eunuch was reading when Philip climbed up into his chariot. The Ethiopian asked Philip, “Who is the prophet talking about, himself or another?” Philip said it was Another who was yet to come, and he told him about Jesus who had come as the Lamb led to the slaughter.

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Jesus Christ, Supreme

February 29, 2024

In case you wonder who Jesus is, after reading and studying Colossians you should wonder no longer. Here is the clearest and most inspiring explanation of the deity and majesty of Jesus, God’s Son, perhaps in all of Scripture. This passionate letter to the Colossians defends Christianity against the sneaky, insidious philosophy of Gnosticism (that said Jesus was a lesser god born among many gods). We learn here that Jesus is God and fully God in every aspect.

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God's Love Song

January 31, 2024

There are some who feel Song of Solomon should not be in the Bible. If you’re going through the Word of God for the first time, you may be puzzled when you come to this little book that’s so different from the others. Abused by those who don’t understand it, even misunderstood and misinterpreted by some Christians, few know what to do with it. Most everyone will just ignore it.

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Why Study Ecclesiastes?

January 31, 2024

Everywhere you look, people are trying to be happy without God. We experiment in a million different ways. The book of Ecclesiastes shows the absurdity of those experiments. Solomon tried every field of endeavor and pleasure known to man and his conclusion was, "It's all vanity."

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Why Study Song of Solomon?

January 31, 2024

Solomon's love song to his wife is a timeless, profound, love letter picturing God's love for us. Dr. McGee tells us, "Salvation is a love affair—we love Him because He first loved us. That is the story this little book is telling."

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Following Jesus' Example

December 21, 2023

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (2:5). What kind of mind did Jesus have? In a word: humble. Jesus thinks of Himself with humility. He is God, yet He left heaven’s glory where He is worshipped to come to a world that dismissed Him, locked Him out.

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Why Study Philippians?

December 21, 2023

Paul wrote this loving letter from prison—though you'd never know it. It overflows with practical, personal help to live the Christian life.

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Climbing the Mountaintops of Ephesians

October 31, 2023

Many people run for cover when they hear the word predestination. The natural man hates this word, and the average believer finds it difficult to accept at face value. Although the explanation might be clear, the truth it contains is hard to receive.

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The Beautiful Relationship We Have in Christ

September 28, 2023

In 62 A.D., four men left Rome, traveling east to modern Turkey. Tucked in their satchels, each carried a letter written by a Roman prisoner waiting to appear before the emperor. These four letters are in the Word of God, called the “Prison Epistles of Paul.”

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