Articles & News

“God Speaks Our Language”

August 23, 2022

Dr. McGee liked to say that what begins in the home will someday come full circle and come back to the home. As you know, in some amazing locations in the world today, we’re seeing this happen.

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New ministry in Liberia—you made it happen!

July 27, 2022

A listener from Nevada, a church leader on the Bible Bus, hears Gregg and Steve talk about Home Groups in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. But their church has a heart for Liberia, Africa. Could home groups go there? He calls THRU the BIBLE with a vision and a plan.

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Why Study Acts?

July 27, 2022

Acts tells the story of what happens after Jesus returns to heaven. The Holy Spirit shows up, the church starts to grow, and the things Jesus said before He died start to make sense to His followers.

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The Fifth Gospel

June 30, 2022

The book of Acts, sometimes called the fifth Gospel, is a continuation of the four Gospels. Matthew concludes with the Resurrection, Mark with the Ascension, Luke with the promise of the Holy Spirit, and John with the promise of the Second Coming—all of these funnel down into the first chapter of Acts. And as all four do, Acts confirms the great missionary call, “Take this good news to the world!”

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A Love Story

May 26, 2022

When you think of the grand and sweeping truth the Bible covers, from cover to cover, you might wonder why God devotes an entire book to the story of a young woman who came from a foreign country into the land of Israel.

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A Word from Gregg Harris | June 2022

May 26, 2022

The concept of stewardship is largely foreign to our culture. We understand ownership, borrowing, leasing, and mortgaging but don’t know much about stewardship. Yet making good use of what God entrusts to us is a biblical concept—something we daily think about at THRU the BIBLE.

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Why Study Joshua?

May 26, 2022

With the book of Joshua as our pattern, we'll learn how to take possession of all the spiritual blessings that God has given us.

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