Articles & News

What Makes Salvation So Great

October 29, 2022

You are about to spend time in one of the most important books of the Bible. For millions in every generation, God uses this book of Romans to change thinking, deepen faith, and comfort hearts. Before you dive in, ask Him to quiet your heart and awaken your mind to the greatest subject of the ages: His great salvation.

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Only God: When He is All You Have

September 30, 2022

Called the man after God’s own heart, shepherd boy, and king, David experienced many storms in life. His story can be a great encouragement to you when you face trials and when problems seem to block your progress. You can read his story and know that he had similar problems. Yet born out of this life often touched by trouble, David was used by God to give us the hymnbook of the Bible, the book of Psalms—a beautiful, nuanced, and rich collection of how to praise God.

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Jesus Cried for You

April 29, 2022

Scripture says God laughs; Scripture also says God weeps. The Gospel writers record three times the Lord Jesus Christ wept, tears revealing the heart of God. God in tears? That’s a thought to ponder. It’s indeed startling. Let’s look at these three occasions in His ministry when Jesus wept.

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A View from the Cross

March 23, 2022

“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Remember when Jesus cried this from His cross? Did you know He was quoting Psalm 22? Follow along with Dr. McGee as we see the events of the cross from Jesus’ perspective … and the ancient Psalms.

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In the Beginning

February 25, 2022

The Gospel of John is one of the easiest books to read, yet one of the most profound Gospels to understand. We might get the surface meaning easily enough, but to understand the deep truths, we need the Lord Jesus to be our teacher.

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The Power to Live for God

April 30, 2021

The purpose of the gospel of Jesus Christ is to lift our shackles so that all might come to the place of salvation, and also to give power to those who want to live for God.

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Invite God's Spirit to Teach You

April 01, 2021

Illumination means that since you and I have a book—a God-book and a human book, written by men who were expressing their thoughts and while doing this they were writing down the Word of God—only the Spirit of God can teach it to us.

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Why Do You Want to Go to Heaven?

February 26, 2021

Ask yourself, Why do I want to go to heaven? As you ponder that question, think of your relationship with Jesus Christ. If you want to be with Him in heaven, begin your relationship here and now.

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The Bigger Story Before the Christmas Story

November 30, 2020

Invite your family around the table, or around the tree, and read the Christmas story together this year. The story is old, but the promise of a Savior is a gift waiting to be unwrapped by anyone with faith to receive it.

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Only in Christ Jesus

April 03, 2020 April 2020 McGee article

How can man stand before God? We can’t. But in Jesus Christ, because of His grace, we stand. Dr. McGee highlights our great salvation in Christ Jesus in his study, “One Hour in Romans.” Let this excerpt stir gratitude in you for the grace in which we stand because of the cross of Jesus Christ.

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One Way God Uses Our Suffering

March 03, 2020 March McGee article image

"There is joy in the Christian life—and peace—and healing. I know, I’ve experienced all three. But it is also true that God’s children will suffer. We can’t escape it."

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Faith for All Three of You

December 31, 2019 Jan 2020 feature article

Faith is a personal confidence in God. That’s all. That confidence touches everything we are. God directs the gospel to all that we are, and invites us to respond in all three parts of our being.

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