Articles & News

Lessons on How to Pray

June 01, 2023

With all of his other qualities, we seldom think of Paul as a man of prayer, yet this is the field in which he excelled. In his letter to the Ephesians Paul prays twice. Let’s look at what characterized these two prayers.

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The Power Behind Global Outreach

April 29, 2022

Your time investment is minimal; your heart investment will yield much fruit. Sounds like a great way to put yourself in the path where God is moving and blessing our generation.

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On Speaking Terms with God

July 31, 2021

In Dr. McGee’s booklet, “Let Us Pray,” Dr. McGee unpacks what we call “The Lord’s Prayer.” The following is an excerpt on what it means to pray, “hallowed be Your name….” Learn how to live and pray according to Jesus’ invitation.

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One Person at a Time

April 30, 2021

Every week on the World Prayer Team, we intercede for those far from God in every country of the world. But, surprisingly, what happens when they hear the Bible taught is many respond in faith.

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A Parable Snapshot on Prayer

November 02, 2020

Do you think God hears you when you pray? Jesus paints four pictures that illustrate what goes on on the other side of prayer. Explore God’s father-kind of love with Dr. J. Vernon McGee.

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Keep it Up, World Prayer Team!

March 26, 2017 Kneeling in Prayer

“The World Prayer Team ... consistently pray for God’s favor on this ministry and for fruitfulness in taking His Word worldwide to people who often have no other way to hear about the love of God."

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The Power of Prayer: Inside the engine room of Thru the Bible

March 07, 2016 kneeling in prayer

Since the birth of Thru the Bible, prayer has been our foundation, and those who pray for the ministry form the “engine room” of this global outreach. So the powerhouse of Thru the Bible is not a physical location, rather it's found in those who offer up their prayers asking God to supply and bless our work of taking His whole Word to the whole world.

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