Articles & News

Why We Went to Africa

July 04, 2024

“We take these trips,” Gregg says, “to see what God is doing, to discern it, and to lend our support to how people are using THRU the BIBLE in their area. Then, we bring back the news to you who partner with us in taking the whole Word to the whole world."

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Flinging the Seed

May 30, 2024

Every so often, I stop and take in the breadth and depth of the work being done through our efforts as partners in ministry.

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We Call Him “Tokter Mikky"

April 29, 2024

We were recently thrilled to connect with Alisha Barkman, who told us how her missionary family is using THRU the BIBLE to serve the Chuuk people. Here’s her story.

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Good News from Every Corner of the Earth

March 28, 2024

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” -Isaiah 52:7

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How to Pray for Ukraine

February 29, 2024

THRU the BIBLE has been a true partner of FEBC-Ukraine for many years. And now, during the most difficult time in the history of this country, THRU the BIBLE is there to give hope, truth, and love to the people of Ukraine.

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Reaching French Africa with the Gospel

January 31, 2024

When you think of Africa, you don’t usually think of those who speak French. Yet, 29 countries speak it and 21 consider French their official language. Last year, seeing the massive need for the truth of the Word of God to be shared in areas controlled by Islam, Endure International proposed we take THRU the BIBLE TV programming to all the French-speaking African nations.

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2023 in Review

November 29, 2023

THRU the BIBLE president, Gregg Harris, looks back at the past year and shares some of the moments and stories that best highlight God's provision and blessing.

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A Word from Gregg Harris | December 2023

November 29, 2023

I had my assignment. As we got ready to record our weekly conversations in the studio for December, Steve and I were asked to bring our favorite letters from 2023 to share. No problem—I keep a running collection. However, when I started to review them, I realized I had a big problem—how to choose my favorite?

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Travel Notes from an (Accidental) Global Christian

October 31, 2023

I was recently blessed to travel to Southeast Asia to work on several global project initiatives for THRU the BIBLE. I departed with intentions of having a significant spiritual impact on the people and ministries I would be serving. I returned realizing that I was in fact the one who was significantly impacted.

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A Word from Gregg Harris | November 2023

October 31, 2023

We talk a lot about how we can each be part of the mission of taking the whole Word to the whole world. I’ve been impressed and challenged by so many of your creative ideas and encouraged by your initiative.

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What’s Happening with WhatsApp?

September 28, 2023

One of THRU the BIBLE’s ministry partners, Mobile Christian Network (MCN), uses WhatsApp to engage people in India, Africa, and parts of Asia. MCN posts the THRU the BIBLE program every day and thousands listen.

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A Word from Gregg Harris | September 2023

August 25, 2023

As percentages go, the Bible’s success rate is pretty remarkable. I appreciate Dr. McGee’s confidence in God when he reflected that every time God’s Word is preached, it will accomplish what God intends.

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Reaching the World with the Word, One App at a Time

August 25, 2023

In a world more interconnected than ever before, the echoes of Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s mission—‑“the whole Word to the whole world”—resound louder than ever. This vision is being realized through our faithful broadcasters and the power of digital technology in developments like our Contextualized Bible Apps.

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What’s Happening in Africa?

July 28, 2023

“Yes, God is mightily at work in Uganda and South Sudan!” says our faithful team in Uganda, led by David Wamimbi. “We thank God for His goodness and faithfulness.”

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Annual Update

July 28, 2023

THRU the BIBLE carefully invests the funds entrusted to us to make Dr. McGee’s teaching available to anyone who wants to hear it.

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