Articles & News

How to Pray for Ukraine

February 29, 2024

by Victor Akhterov, FEBC partner

THRU the BIBLE has been a true partner of FEBC-Ukraine for many years. And now, during the most difficult time in the history of this country, THRU the BIBLE is there to give hope, truth, and love to the people of Ukraine.  

Our listeners are experiencing not only deep but prolonged trauma that results in millions of additional divorces, a record number of teen suicides, and widespread psychological problems—all in addition to loss of life due to war. Despite these struggles, our Ukrainian team continues to broadcast words of encouragement and hope from God’s Word. Our broadcasters and staff are connecting with people, praying with listeners, and showing the love of Jesus Christ daily.

As we discover again and again, the only means for real change is the gospel. THRU the BIBLE is our main Bible program. I've been in ministry for more than three decades and have experienced various wonderful ways of God's work through media in many countries, but what He’s doing today through THRU the BIBLE is truly marvelous. We see God's outpouring of His love as single mothers accept Jesus and feel loved. As 14-year-olds decide not to commit suicide, but instead change the world for Jesus. As those living under rocket attacks trust Jesus. As soldiers, who are horrified by seeing their friends dying daily, begin to pray and study the Bible with THRU the BIBLE while they live in the trenches. As refugees, worrying about their families and the future, find supernatural peace as they understand who Jesus is. What a privilege it is for us to serve with THRU the BIBLE.  

Sergey, our main THRU the BIBLE broadcaster, is now a chaplain in the Ukrainian army, influencing several key commanders and hundreds of soldiers and officers for Jesus. He is still able to come to the studio and record broadcasts, taking God’s Word to millions of Ukrainians. 

In December, the government of Ukraine granted us a permanent, 10-year license to broadcast in the capital of Kyiv. This is truly a miracle. Millions of potential listeners. Unprecedented number of responses. Open door for the future ministry. Pray for us and praise God with us. 

Here are some recent requests from our Ukrainian team. Please join us in praying for: 

  • Soldiers. Many soldiers are having serious struggles. Many call crying. Please pray for many to turn to Christ. The death toll from the war is alarmingly high. 
  • New listeners. Please pray for people turning to the Lord as they face extreme trials in their lives. Thousands are in-country refugees who receive hope through the Bible.
  • God’s protection. God provided for FEBC-Ukraine to open a radio station in Zaporizhzhia during wartime, and it has become one of the most responsive regions. People live in constant fear due to the nearby nuclear power plant, which is under Russian control. 
  • FEBC staff. Our Ukrainian staff directly serve those afflicted by the ongoing war. Others distribute radios and answer calls coming from disaster areas. Please continue to pray for our broadcasters who are sharing the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Thousands are responding.