Articles & News

A Word from Gregg Harris | July 2024

July 04, 2024

Every month when Steve and I talk on-air with you about how God is working in and through the ministry, you likely hear us laugh. The open doors just aren’t stopping. We laugh because you can’t make this stuff up.

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Why We Went to Africa

July 04, 2024

“We take these trips,” Gregg says, “to see what God is doing, to discern it, and to lend our support to how people are using THRU the BIBLE in their area. Then, we bring back the news to you who partner with us in taking the whole Word to the whole world."

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How Do We Live Now?

May 30, 2024

Paul gets very practical and gives us three different ways we demonstrate that we believe in the coming of Christ. It will impact our attitude toward the Word, our walk, and our work.

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A Word from Gregg Harris | June 2024

May 30, 2024

The Bible Bus is scaling the heights of Scripture this month, giving us glorious views of the past, present, and future from the book of Isaiah. From this magnificent perspective we see how God is sovereign.

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Why Study 2 Thessalonians?

May 30, 2024

Did Jesus already come back? Did we miss Him? That’s what the Christians in Thessalonica were concerned about. Someone spread the rumor that Jesus had already gathered the church and they were living in the Great Tribulation. Paul wrote this letter to assure them that “our gathering together with Him” is yet future.

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Why Study 1 Thessalonians?

May 30, 2024

When the new church gathering in Thessalonica around 50 a.d. read the letters Paul wrote them, they had only followed Jesus Christ as Savior for about a month. This first letter comforted them with solid teaching about Jesus’ return.

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Flinging the Seed

May 30, 2024

Every so often, I stop and take in the breadth and depth of the work being done through our efforts as partners in ministry.

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We Call Him “Tokter Mikky"

April 29, 2024

We were recently thrilled to connect with Alisha Barkman, who told us how her missionary family is using THRU the BIBLE to serve the Chuuk people. Here’s her story.

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What Isaiah Saw

April 29, 2024

What brings life’s greatest satisfaction? Ask anyone who has walked with God for a long time, and they’ll likely say a similar thing: To know you are doing what pleases God. But how do you know God’s will? With that as our foundation, let’s peek into the throne room of heaven at a glimpse of God never seen before ....

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A Word from Gregg Harris | May 2024

April 29, 2024

The Bible Bus is scaling the heights of Scripture this month, giving us glorious views of the past, present, and future from the book of Isaiah. From this magnificent perspective we see how God is sovereign.

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Jesus in Isaiah

April 29, 2024

The fifth Gospel. That’s what many call the book of Isaiah, as Jesus’ birth, His character, His life, His death, His resurrection, and His second coming are all presented with definiteness and clarity, yet written 700 years before Jesus Christ was born. Specifically, Isaiah invites us to see something of the suffering of Christ that we’ll not find anywhere else.

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Our Sacrificial Lamb

March 28, 2024

All the way from Abel to John the Baptist, Scripture uses the figure of the lamb. This verse from Isaiah was what the Ethiopian eunuch was reading when Philip climbed up into his chariot. The Ethiopian asked Philip, “Who is the prophet talking about, himself or another?” Philip said it was Another who was yet to come, and he told him about Jesus who had come as the Lamb led to the slaughter.

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Good News from Every Corner of the Earth

March 28, 2024

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” -Isaiah 52:7

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How to Pray for Ukraine

February 29, 2024

THRU the BIBLE has been a true partner of FEBC-Ukraine for many years. And now, during the most difficult time in the history of this country, THRU the BIBLE is there to give hope, truth, and love to the people of Ukraine.

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Jesus Christ, Supreme

February 29, 2024

In case you wonder who Jesus is, after reading and studying Colossians you should wonder no longer. Here is the clearest and most inspiring explanation of the deity and majesty of Jesus, God’s Son, perhaps in all of Scripture. This passionate letter to the Colossians defends Christianity against the sneaky, insidious philosophy of Gnosticism (that said Jesus was a lesser god born among many gods). We learn here that Jesus is God and fully God in every aspect.

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Jesus in Colossians

February 29, 2024

If someone asked you where they could go to find out about Jesus Christ and what He really represents, would you know how to answer? If they were struggling with understanding who Jesus is and why they need a Savior, what would you say?

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Reaching French Africa with the Gospel

January 31, 2024

When you think of Africa, you don’t usually think of those who speak French. Yet, 29 countries speak it and 21 consider French their official language. Last year, seeing the massive need for the truth of the Word of God to be shared in areas controlled by Islam, Endure International proposed we take THRU the BIBLE TV programming to all the French-speaking African nations.

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