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Jesus in Hebrews

December 27, 2024

Jesus, Exalted Over All

The letter to the Hebrews shines as one of the brightest reflections of the wonder and superiority of Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus is exalted over all things—all religious figures past, present, and future—and exists as the sovereign Creator Lord of the universe who became human to lead us back to God.

The opening theme of this grand letter rings with God’s voice—having once thundered to the world through the prophets and preachers of old and in many varied and exciting ways, God now speaks powerfully and with grace and mercy in the person of His Son, Jesus. He literally “spoke to us in Son.” We now have the last word from God to this world in Jesus Christ. God, in effect, introduced His Son to the world and invites all of us to listen to Him (Matthew 17:5).

Jesus Christ remains superior to all the Old Testament writers, because all revelation fills up in Him. He fulfills all of the Old Testament, and He Himself gives God's final word to all of us. Jesus Christ Himself made clear to His followers and all who heard Him teach that the same Holy Spirit that moved in the hearts and through the voices of the prophets would now receive from Him and make known to them God’s final and comprehensive Word (see John 16:12-15). Everything is wrapped up beautifully and comprehensively in all that He would do and say.

Jesus offers so much more than simply the mere spoken Word of God. He has been appointed by God the Father as the “heir of all things” (Hebrews 1:2). Everything created, known and unknown, visible and invisible. All things in the seen and unseen universe belong to Jesus, God’s Son, the final Word. And not only does everything in the universe belong to Jesus, but everything was also created by Him, for Him, and through Him.

Adapted from the Hebrews Bible Companion, lesson 1. For more on Hebrews, get the Hebrews Bible Companion, available now for purchase or free download at