Articles & News

Why Jesus Came Unrecognized

November 28, 2022

God blazed a trail down through history in such a definite way through Old Testament prophecies that when Jesus Christ came, the people should have known by the prophetic Scriptures who He was.

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Year in Review—“Flinging the Seed”

November 28, 2022

My mind is drawn to the powerful truths in 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 as we look back on 2022. I love to quote Dr. McGee on the “business” of THRU the BIBLE. “We are in the seed-sowing business,” he loved to say in his homespun way. “Our job is to fling the seed.” What tremendous freedom we have in this simple, biblical mandate.

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A New Way to Pray for the Refugee Crisis in the Ukraine

October 29, 2022

This year we’ve watched the escalating crisis in the Ukraine on the news and we’ve prayed, we’ve rallied, we’ve cried at the images, and we’ve cheered the courage and faithfulness of those who stand for God, no matter which side they’re on. Most of all, we’ve wanted to do something to help the people in crisis but didn’t know how. Now, thanks to some unusual information, we have a prayer path forward.

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What Makes Salvation So Great

October 29, 2022

You are about to spend time in one of the most important books of the Bible. For millions in every generation, God uses this book of Romans to change thinking, deepen faith, and comfort hearts. Before you dive in, ask Him to quiet your heart and awaken your mind to the greatest subject of the ages: His great salvation.

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Why Study Romans?

October 29, 2022

The gospel—the good news that God is for us and with us and is for everyone. That's why we should study the book of Romans.

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The Glorious Unfolding of a Mission

September 30, 2022

Roger Kemp is a behind-the-scenes visionary and force behind so much good that you enjoy on Christian radio. Roger and his team at RKMedia are our close ministry partners and steward the relationships THRU the BIBLE has with radio stations and networks throughout North America. Roger has also personally been associated with global ministry his whole career and is here to give you a unique perspective of what we’re doing together with our commitment to take the “whole Word to the whole world.”

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Only God: When He is All You Have

September 30, 2022

Called the man after God’s own heart, shepherd boy, and king, David experienced many storms in life. His story can be a great encouragement to you when you face trials and when problems seem to block your progress. You can read his story and know that he had similar problems. Yet born out of this life often touched by trouble, David was used by God to give us the hymnbook of the Bible, the book of Psalms—a beautiful, nuanced, and rich collection of how to praise God.

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Why Study 1 & 2 Kings?

September 30, 2022

The nation of Israel rises and shines during King Solomon's Golden Age and then plummets through 400 years of mostly evil kings who eventually manage to get the Jewish nation wiped off the map. What remains? A faithful God, true to His promise to redeem His people.

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Why Study 1 & 2 Samuel?

August 23, 2022

When we put God on the throne, we experience blessing and victory. When we don't, God overrules. Such are the lessons we can learn from the exciting, early days of Israel.

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