Articles & News

The Spring that Satisfies

August 31, 2021

What the children of Israel experienced while going through the wilderness corresponds to our Christian experience; you can translate what happened to them directly over to the life of any believer today. We can expect to encounter the same problems and expect the same solutions to work for us. Every believer will experience their own particular version of what happened to the Israelites in the wilderness.

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Jesus in Exodus

August 31, 2021

Dr. McGee loved to point out Jesus on every page of Scripture. See Him in the phenomenal book of Exodus.

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On Speaking Terms with God

July 31, 2021

In Dr. McGee’s booklet, “Let Us Pray,” Dr. McGee unpacks what we call “The Lord’s Prayer.” The following is an excerpt on what it means to pray, “hallowed be Your name….” Learn how to live and pray according to Jesus’ invitation.

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Why Study Exodus?

July 31, 2021

Exodus means “the way out” and tells the story of God’s redemption of Israel by blood and by power. The Exodus, when God delivered Israel out of Egypt, is an important foundation to understanding the rest of the Bible.

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Five Things Just Between You and God

June 30, 2021

Explore five things Matthew 6 says are between our souls and God. These righteous acts are meaningless unless they’re done in the right way. But when we see them in relationship to God, they reveal our citizenship in the kingdom of heaven.

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Why Study Matthew?

June 30, 2021

In this Gospel, Jesus is the King, Israel’s long-awaited Messiah; He fulfills the prophecies, promises, types, and expectations of all the Old Testament.

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In the Beginning . . .

May 29, 2021

"Let me give you a bird’s-eye view of Genesis, a view that will cover the total spectrum of the book. I’ll point out certain things that are relevant to the entire Scripture."

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One Person at a Time

April 30, 2021

Every week on the World Prayer Team, we intercede for those far from God in every country of the world. But, surprisingly, what happens when they hear the Bible taught is many respond in faith.

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His Excellent Word

April 30, 2021

From the earliest days, THRU the BIBLE has invited listeners to board the Bible Bus with a grand anthem of the Christian faith. No hymn seems more fitting than the one written centuries ago, “How Firm a Foundation.”

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