June 29, 2020
John tells us we can have fellowship with God! One of the most glorious prospects before us today is that we can have fellowship with the Father, with the Son, and with one another.
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June 29, 2020
How does Thru the Bible hope to reach the whole world with the whole Word? The same way you and I hope to live by faith—we only can do this by God’s grace.
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May 29, 2020
As of this writing, the world is still “sheltering in place,” protecting each other and healing from the pandemic. This unprecedented season calls for ministry efforts to be creative and relevant to the need.
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May 29, 2020
Pastors benefit from TTB resources.
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May 29, 2020
The book of Jonah speaks to the most wicked, brutal people who have ever lived on this earth. Yet God saved them. And if God will save them, He will save anyone who turns to Him.
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May 29, 2020
Thank you for believing God stands behind His Word. It will accomplish whatever assignment He sends it to do.
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May 29, 2020
If you belong to the family of God, then the letters from John were written for you. Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ brings us into God’s family and into the fellowship of the Father’s house.
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May 25, 2020
Does the Old Testament book of Jonah belong in the Bible? Did that whole thing with the whale really happen?
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April 30, 2020
For 15 years, TWR-Canada has been working with Aujourd’hui l’Espoir (“Today’s Hope,” a French radio and television station), reaching out to the people of Quebec with a message of hope in Jesus Christ.
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April 30, 2020
Dr. McGee's teaching about the "prodigal pig" inspires a former student in an unexpected way.
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April 30, 2020
Pride is the sin of sins. Pride of heart is deeper and darker than any other sin you can mention. We do not condemn it, but God does!
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April 30, 2020
When your heart is inclined to faithfulness, let God reward you in the process. Your job is to be obedient in what and with what God has given you to do.
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April 07, 2020
Two prophets, one message: God hates it when you live apart from Him.
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April 03, 2020
Thru the Bible is taking seriously the challenge to reach people through mobile devices, the central communication and information tool used by people around the globe. This is vitally important to fulfilling our mission to take the whole Word to the whole world.
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April 03, 2020
Our TTB Communications VP, Barb Peil, visits with our Jesus.net partners in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
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April 03, 2020
How can man stand before God? We can’t. But in Jesus Christ, because of His grace, we stand. Dr. McGee highlights our great salvation in Christ Jesus in his study, “One Hour in Romans.” Let this excerpt stir gratitude in you for the grace in which we stand because of the cross of Jesus Christ.
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April 03, 2020
“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations … teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. -Matthew 28:18-20
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March 16, 2020
Peter doesn't give us his theory of suffering. He speaks to us out of his own tremendous experience, and it will become very wonderful to us as it becomes our experience.
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March 03, 2020
God is at work in Uganda and it is clearly His work. We simply have the joy of going along for the ride.
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March 03, 2020
"There is joy in the Christian life—and peace—and healing. I know, I’ve experienced all three. But it is also true that God’s children will suffer. We can’t escape it."
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