September 26, 2017
When Elijah looked at that little brook which was getting smaller and smaller he learned a spiritual lesson. He saw that he was nothing—he was just a brook, a channel, through which living water could flow.
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August 29, 2017
There are times in our lives when the circumstances will not produce any joy or happiness. There are times when we find ourselves in dark places, like David. We look about, and the situation looks hopeless. What should we do?
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August 23, 2017
When we put God on the throne, we experience blessing and victory. When we don't, God overrules. Such are the lessons we can learn from the exciting, early days of Israel.
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July 25, 2017
Think back to geography class and quiz yourself!
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July 25, 2017
Felix and Drusilla has a private interview with the greatest preacher of the grace of God that the world has ever known. The door of the kingdom was opened, and they had their opportunity to enter.
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July 06, 2017
Acts tells the story of what happens after Jesus returns to heaven. The Holy Spirit shows up, the church starts to grow, and the things Jesus said before He died start to make sense to His followers.
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June 27, 2017
We were so encouraged by the recent update from the Mongolian program producer that we wanted to share these great pictures and stories. God is working!
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June 27, 2017
As a man chooses a woman for his bride, and as Boaz claimed Ruth, so Christ came to this earth for His bride. He is the One who demonstrated His love by dying for us. And we are the responders—we are to respond to His love.
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June 27, 2017
The book of Ruth takes place in hard times--as most good love stories do--but the hard times are overshadowed by the kindness of God, who showers favor over those who trust Him.
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June 12, 2017
During a dark time in Israel's history when everyone thought they alone knew best, God used twelve men and one woman as judges to lead communities back to Himself.
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May 25, 2017
Over the last two to three generations, Western Europe has become a spiritual wasteland. At Thru the Bible, we see it in the lack of response that we receive from Europe.
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May 25, 2017
You would think that after all their experiences, the Israelites would learn that when they turned to idolatry, trouble came upon them. Human nature is fallen nature.
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May 24, 2017
Onward Christian soldiers! We’re headed for a month of conquest, victory, and lessons from the field of battle. With the book of Joshua as our pattern, we’ll learn how to take possession of all the spiritual blessings that God has given us.
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April 27, 2017
Over 50,000 people in India diligently studied God’s Word with Thru the Bible and participated in a Bible Quiz competition that spanned the country.
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April 27, 2017
The Lord Jesus asked Simon Peter: “Do you love Me?” I think he would ask you and me the same question today.
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April 27, 2017
Explore the pathway of blessing and consequences from the farewell address of Israel’s grand old man, Moses, and learn what we can do to please God—all this in our study of Deuteronomy on Thru the Bible.
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March 26, 2017
Do you realize that the most important commandment for a Christian is not to witness, not to serve, but to love other believers?
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March 26, 2017
“The World Prayer Team ... consistently pray for God’s favor on this ministry and for fruitfulness in taking His Word worldwide to people who often have no other way to hear about the love of God."
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March 01, 2017
Explore the humanity, deity, and reality of the God-Man Jesus, discovering new things about Him as we study the gospel of John on Thru the Bible.
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February 27, 2017
"The sheep is always a sheep. No enemy, no man, no created being can pluck them out of the Savior’s hand."
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