June 01, 2016
Thru the Bible has seen many changes over its five decades, but thankfully some things remain unchanged: The faithful teaching content Dr. McGee left for us and, more importantly, the timeless and powerful impact of the Word of God on the lives of millions of people all across the globe.
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June 01, 2016
Jacob found out that you do not get anywhere with God by struggling and resisting. The only way that you get anywhere with Him is by yielding and just holding on to Him.
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April 23, 2016
There's a great spiritual lesson in the two birds that Noah sent forth over the waters covering the flooded earth. One represented the old man and one the new. One loved the things of this world and one found no rest. The important question is, which bird are you?
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March 07, 2016
Since the birth of Thru the Bible, prayer has been our foundation, and those who pray for the ministry form the “engine room” of this global outreach. So the powerhouse of Thru the Bible is not a physical location, rather it's found in those who offer up their prayers asking God to supply and bless our work of taking His whole Word to the whole world.
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March 07, 2016
The Bible is the book to face life with today, and it’s the book which lays out the only sure route through this world and on into the next. It is the only book that can enable you to meet the emergencies and cushion the shocks that come to you in life. So shouldn't you study and know it?
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March 01, 2016
Did you know that the majority of the world's French-speaking people actually live in Africa? It is estimated that there are 115 million people spread across 31 countries in Africa who speak French as either a first or second language. The question is: How do we reach these people with the gospel?
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March 01, 2016
One of the most exciting elements of Thru the Bible’s impact is seen in the way God’s Word can transform families. Time and again, we hear from listeners who tell us how God uses our programs to do amazing things among their family members.
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March 01, 2016
We are not living in a Christian nation, but there will come a day when every nation will worship Him. This knowledge should cause us to take heart. The day will come when God will remove the rebellious men and leave only those who will worship Him.
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February 01, 2016
Many begin the study of prophecy with enthusiasm, but when they find that it is applicable to their life and that it makes demands on them personally, they lose interest, and it becomes a bitter thing. But it should be in your mouth sweet as honey.
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January 03, 2016
Between the states of hot and cold, you have lukewarm. That's where many churches today attempt to position themselves. But Jesus very frankly says that He will spew them out of His mouth.
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