Articles & News

To Russia with Love

September 26, 2019 Spires-in-Russia_small

Ministry in Russia reminds us what God does with our seemingly insurmountable challenges. He turns them upside down for good.

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Why? When We Question God

September 26, 2019 McGee feature Oct 2019

“Why?” Many people wonder why God does not move in and do something about the evil in the world. This question is basic to all questions today. If it is not your question, it certainly is mine.

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Why Study Titus & Philemon?

September 26, 2019 Titus & Philemon headline

Two letters. Two messages. “This is how to lead a church.” “This is what forgiveness looks like.” Life in the first century dealt with the same issues we do today. Learn how the apostle Paul, through the influence of the Holy Spirit, directed Titus and Philemon in practical issues of faith.

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How Does the Spirit of God Teach Us?

August 27, 2019 praying hands

Only the Spirit of God can teach the Bible to us. We can get Bible facts on our own, but the Spirit of God must open our minds and hearts if we are to understand the spiritual truth that is there.

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The Remedy of the Christian Life

July 29, 2019 image_Remedy of the Christian Life

What is one essential the godly man and woman need to successfully navigate this life? Dr. McGee shared that it’s a prescription only God can fill. And you’ve probably got one within arm’s reach.

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Why Study 1 & 2 Timothy?

July 29, 2019 Timothy headline

When you know your time is short, what do you tell those who you lead? The Apostle Paul knew his time on earth would soon be up, so he wrote to his young protégé, Timothy, about how to continue on without him—about how to grow a healthy and strong local assembly of believers organized for a common purpose: The glory of God.

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One Region | One Request: Africa

July 29, 2019 image_African women with baby

One of our newest languages, Lingala—spoken by 70 million people in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, and the Central African Republic—is now available online. Hear from our producer, Barnabe Muanda.

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How is God Shaping You?

June 25, 2019 Potted plants on a shelf

You may have heard the expression, “He is the potter; I am the clay.” That metaphor comes from the book of Jeremiah—and from our study on the broadcast this month.

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One Region | One Request: Northeast Asia

May 29, 2019 Happy Chinese couple

We praise God that in a region dominated by China, the Word of God goes out and produces fruit in the most unlikely places. Those on the ground in Northeast Asia tell us about how God is at work and how specifically to pray.

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A Unique Opportunity in Central Europe

March 22, 2019 Central Europe

Pray for Thru the Bible to be used to wake up people lulled into complacency and atheism by generations without spiritual influence. Pray for hope and life to spread through Central Europe through new and effective mediums.

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