A Word from Gregg Harris | February 2020
January 29, 2020
If you’ve been around Thru the Bible for long, you know that ministry in India holds a special place in our hearts. Fast becoming the most populated country on earth (1.33 billion people—compared to 347 million in the U.S.), India is surprisingly responsive to the gospel.
In 1796 William Carey, whom some call the father of modern missions, first went to India to bring the gospel. But he didn’t go alone.
Before leaving England, Carey said to Christian brothers, “Well, I’ll go down, if you hold the rope.” Like a miner descending into an unexplored mine, Carey trusted those who supported him.
In essence, we say the same thing to you today. Together we take the whole Word to the whole world. Thru the Bible will carry the message to the unknown, but we rely on you to hold the rope.
Carey couldn’t have known how the Lord would multiply and bless his efforts. Neither will we, until we all—people from every tribe and nation on earth—stand before God’s throne.
Let’s keep going with our sights on that day and our Savior, Jesus.

Gregg Harris
Thru the Bible, president