Articles & News

Following Jesus in the Shepherd Psalms

July 25, 2018 two sheep grazing

The Psalms express the deepest emotions of shepherds and kings, prophets and priests, as they wrestle with loss, disillusionment, celebration, and the hope of eternal life with the God who made them. But more than anything, the Psalms picture a new way to see Jesus Christ.

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Why Study Galatians?

July 04, 2018 Galatians headline

When you "think Galatians, think grace." That's what the first readers of this letter from the apostle Paul were prompted to think. These first-century Jews who followed Jesus forgot that Jesus had saved them by grace, rather than by the Law of Moses. They also forgot that Christian Gentiles came to faith in Christ the same way they did.

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How Does Your Garden Grow?

June 25, 2018 amos-bar-zeev-138099

How long have you known and walked with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Interestingly, God makes it clear in His Word that it’s not the years that matter, but the growth in godliness that is the fruit of those years.

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Despite All Odds--Thru the Bible heard in North Korea

June 25, 2018 North Korean boy on bike

Hardly a day goes by that North Korea (called The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or DPRK) isn’t a focus of world news. Known as the "Hermit Kingdom," North Korea has isolated its people from the outside world for 50 years, and so this added exposure is drawing attention.

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Why Study Job?

June 01, 2018 Job headline

The story of Job is about perseverance: How does a faithful man walk with God in the middle of suffering? He didn't know that he was being watched by God and Satan. He didn't know God would restore all that had been taken away. Job trusted God in the darkest hours of his life. Over 25 times he asked God, "Why?"--without any explanation. In the end, Job discovered God was worthy of his trust.

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Let God’s Love Hold You Up: For those who are suffering

May 24, 2018 Despair

The book of Job should never be entered lightly, but thoughtfully . . . compassionately. The same is true whenever we meet someone who is walking in the valley of shadows, of pain, or of death or even of setbacks and discouragement. Perhaps you’re there now. In this fragile place where questions about God and about life’s meaning and purpose fill your thoughts, our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, has a word of counsel: Let the love of God hold you up.

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Why Study Esther?

May 18, 2018 Esther headline

In a time of exile when Israel had forgotten about God, the book of Esther proves that God had not forgotten about them. God's ongoing providence is on display in the least likely circumstances. A great story, and even better that it's actually true!

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"P" is for Providence

April 25, 2018 Compass on Bible

If there’s one thing the book of Esther teaches us, it’s that God is in control. Of the universe. Of the history of mankind. Of our individual lives. Let’s take a closer look at this sovereign ordering of our history that happens whether we acknowledge God’s hand or not.

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Western Europe Update

April 25, 2018 man with kind face

In the fall of 2017, Thru the Bible’s president, Gregg Harris, traveled to Italy and Spain to meet with the TTB producers of our Italian, European Spanish, and European Portuguese ministries. “While Western Europe is ‘hard ground,’” Gregg says, “we are encouraged how God’s Word is taking root in the lives of our listeners.”

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5 Lessons from Nehemiah on Serving God

March 27, 2018 jeremy-yap-199223

If you’ve ever looked at a messy situation and thought, “someone ought to do something,” you’ll understand the passion Nehemiah felt for Jerusalem. From distant Persia (modern day Iran), Nehemiah heard that its walls lay in rubble, even decades after the Jews returned home. But what could he do? That’s the question you may have when you consider some big need you see in your church or ministry or community. You want to do something, but what can you do?

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Why Study Ezra & Nehemiah

March 26, 2018 Ezra & Nehemiah headline

The events of Ezra and Nehemiah took place in a significant time in world history. The spiritual and cultural dynamics of this last century of the Old Testament demand a closer look at the books of the Bible in context with global history. God's hand was moving among men--and man's heart was moving either toward or away from God's heart.

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When Love is Hard

February 26, 2018 jamez-picard-356760

You don’t need lessons on how to love when you’re with loveable people. Love comes easily—or at least easier. It’s when you’re surrounded by stinkers that it gets hard. The book of 1 Corinthians was written to those kinds of people. Bickering. Back-biters. Gossipers. Spiritual babies. A prideful pack of people. First Corinthians is called Paul’s “hard letter” by Bible teachers, Dr. McGee included. In our daily journey on the Bible Bus this month, we’ll learn all about the surprising similarities between the church in Corinth and our own churches today.

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Why Study 1 & 2 Corinthians

February 20, 2018 Corinthians headline

"The church at Corinth had serious problems. They had lost sight of the main objective: To share the person of Jesus Christ. They had forgotten about the centrality of Christ crucified and His rightful place as Lord of their lives. As a consequence, they felt overwhelmed. That was the problem then and it is the problem today."

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Bring Back the Word of God

January 29, 2018 McGee with reels_small

Everybody relates to the need to get back on track—to renew our commitment to what we once knew was important, whether that is an exercise routine or a way of eating, or spending, or—especially—to our commitment to spend time with God in His Word.

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Why Study 1 & 2 Chronicles?

January 10, 2018 Chronicles headline

When God’s people were disciplined and fragmented, the stories of David and Solomon were retold as an encouragement to come back together to be God’s people, set apart for His purposes. The stories of Chronicles cast a renewed vision of how to live in a blessed relationship with God.

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What Does it Mean to Really Worship?

December 27, 2017 Crowd with hands reaching up

Buried in the historical books of 1 and 2 Chronicles is a practical primer on how to worship God. It shouldn’t surprise us, since Chronicles was written to call people back to the Lord and to remind them of all the wonderful things God had done for them and why He is worthy of our worship. In a nutshell, that is what worship is—reflecting back to God what we think He’s worth.

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