Articles & News

When Love is Hard

February 26, 2018 jamez-picard-356760

You don’t need lessons on how to love when you’re with loveable people. Love comes easily—or at least easier. It’s when you’re surrounded by stinkers that it gets hard. The book of 1 Corinthians was written to those kinds of people. Bickering. Back-biters. Gossipers. Spiritual babies. A prideful pack of people. First Corinthians is called Paul’s “hard letter” by Bible teachers, Dr. McGee included. In our daily journey on the Bible Bus this month, we’ll learn all about the surprising similarities between the church in Corinth and our own churches today.

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Why Study 1 & 2 Corinthians

February 20, 2018 Corinthians headline

"The church at Corinth had serious problems. They had lost sight of the main objective: To share the person of Jesus Christ. They had forgotten about the centrality of Christ crucified and His rightful place as Lord of their lives. As a consequence, they felt overwhelmed. That was the problem then and it is the problem today."

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Bring Back the Word of God

January 29, 2018 McGee with reels_small

Everybody relates to the need to get back on track—to renew our commitment to what we once knew was important, whether that is an exercise routine or a way of eating, or spending, or—especially—to our commitment to spend time with God in His Word.

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Why Study 1 & 2 Chronicles?

January 10, 2018 Chronicles headline

When God’s people were disciplined and fragmented, the stories of David and Solomon were retold as an encouragement to come back together to be God’s people, set apart for His purposes. The stories of Chronicles cast a renewed vision of how to live in a blessed relationship with God.

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What Does it Mean to Really Worship?

December 27, 2017 Crowd with hands reaching up

Buried in the historical books of 1 and 2 Chronicles is a practical primer on how to worship God. It shouldn’t surprise us, since Chronicles was written to call people back to the Lord and to remind them of all the wonderful things God had done for them and why He is worthy of our worship. In a nutshell, that is what worship is—reflecting back to God what we think He’s worth.

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Born a King

November 29, 2017 Manger showing a baby

My friend, look about you. The supermarkets are groaning with their shelves laden down. The department stores are bulging with luxury items .... What a contrast to His coming. A stable. Poverty. Lowliness. What obscurity. No one there but a few paltry shepherds, and later a few wise men came. That’s all.

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Why Study Romans?

November 14, 2017 Romans headline

The gospel--the Good News that God is for us and with us and is for everyone. That's why we should study the book of Romans.

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Wonderful Peace

October 30, 2017 cabin on water

There is a peace that comes to the soul of one who has trusted Christ as Savior and knows that God no longer has any charge against him, that he is no longer guilty.

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Why Study 1 & 2 Kings?

October 05, 2017 Kings headline

The nation of Israel rises and shines during King Solomon’s Golden Age and then plummets through 400 years of mostly evil kings who eventually manage to get the Jewish nation wiped off the map. What remains? A faithful God, true to His promise to redeem His people.

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Channels of Blessing

September 26, 2017 waterfall

When Elijah looked at that little brook which was getting smaller and smaller he learned a spiritual lesson. He saw that he was nothing—he was just a brook, a channel, through which living water could flow.

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Encouragement for the Redeemed

August 29, 2017 StockSnap_7RNRV7UBLR

There are times in our lives when the circumstances will not produce any joy or happiness. There are times when we find ourselves in dark places, like David. We look about, and the situation looks hopeless. What should we do?

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Why Study 1 & 2 Samuel?

August 23, 2017 Samuel headline

When we put God on the throne, we experience blessing and victory. When we don't, God overrules. Such are the lessons we can learn from the exciting, early days of Israel.

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A Convenient Season

July 25, 2017 Fields of green

Felix and Drusilla has a private interview with the greatest preacher of the grace of God that the world has ever known. The door of the kingdom was opened, and they had their opportunity to enter.

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Why study Acts?

July 06, 2017 Acts headline

Acts tells the story of what happens after Jesus returns to heaven. The Holy Spirit shows up, the church starts to grow, and the things Jesus said before He died start to make sense to His followers.

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Responding in Love

June 27, 2017 woman walking in sunshine

As a man chooses a woman for his bride, and as Boaz claimed Ruth, so Christ came to this earth for His bride. He is the One who demonstrated His love by dying for us. And we are the responders—we are to respond to His love.

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Why Study Ruth?

June 27, 2017 Ruth headline

The book of Ruth takes place in hard times--as most good love stories do--but the hard times are overshadowed by the kindness of God, who showers favor over those who trust Him.

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