January 28, 2022
Dr. McGee loved to point out Jesus on every page of Scripture. See Him in the book of Numbers.
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January 28, 2022
In Numbers we see the children of Israel leave Mount Sinai and march to Kadesh Barnea. After a big failure there, God sent them to wander in the wilderness until that generation died. These years of wandering told a saga of suffering, a trek of tragedy, and a story of straying. The lessons they had to learn are good for us to hear, too, which is why God recorded this history. Pay attention!
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January 28, 2022
When God made His covenant with Abraham, He said, "I will bless you … so that you will be a blessing" (see Genesis 12:2).
The principle certainly follows for us, too. As God blesses us, we want to bless others.
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December 23, 2021
Your family tree may explain a lot about you—where you came from, who your grandfather was, and his father before him. Luke’s Gospel traces Jesus’ family through Mary’s story, back to King David, then back all the way to Adam, the first created son of God. But Adam fell from that lofty position when he sinned. Jesus Christ, the last Adam and the Son of God, came to bring mankind back into that relationship with God by believing on Him—the only way to be in fellowship with God.
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December 23, 2021
My heart is full today with thanksgiving for all you who stand with THRU the BIBLE in partnership. Together we are taking the whole Word to the whole world.
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December 23, 2021
Luke’s Gospel is a narrative of eyewitnesses—people who saw for themselves Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. He examined all the reports in close detail and wrote to give us confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ.
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December 23, 2021
In an increasingly digital world, it’s important to reach people with God’s Word wherever they spend their time.
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November 30, 2021
Because we followed God’s ways, He did something more wonderful than we ever envisioned. His ways are perfect, His timing is perfect.
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November 30, 2021
This month we’re doing something special on our social media platforms and pointing out Jesus in all four themes of advent: Hope, peace, love, and joy.
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November 29, 2021
Luke was the only one who recorded the real songs of Christmas, sung by Elizabeth, Mary, Zacharias, Simeon, the angel Gabriel, and the angelic host. The events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ was the time for people to break forth in song—beginning with one older woman who understood something of the mystery of what was happening in her womb and the womb of her young relative from Galilee named Mary.
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November 29, 2021
Dr. McGee loved to point out Jesus on every page of Scripture. See Him in the book of Leviticus.
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November 29, 2021
One of the great privileges of leading the ministry of THRU the BIBLE is watching God move in the most wonderful and extraordinary ways.
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October 29, 2021
Who is Jesus? This question has caused more confusion, difference of opinion, and division than any other. It has always been so.
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October 29, 2021
Leviticus is the book about Hebrew worship of God. Crowding the book are instructions on sacrifice, ceremony, ritual, liturgy, washings, convocations, holy days, observances, conditions, and warnings.
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October 29, 2021
Who introduced you to THRU the BIBLE?
Almost every day, we hear about how a mom or dad or a grandparent or an uncle first helped someone board the Bible Bus.
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October 29, 2021
Our Flemish team celebrates a significant milestone!
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September 27, 2021
By His teaching, Jesus prepared people for salvation through His death and His resurrection. His teaching will not save us; it is only through His death for us on the Cross that we can be saved.
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September 27, 2021
People like you who have been impacted by the teaching of God’s Word on THRU the BIBLE often ask, How can I most effectively be involved in taking the whole Word to the whole world?
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September 27, 2021
“In Mark's Gospel, Jesus lays aside the regal robes of kingship and girds Himself with the towel of service. He is King in Matthew's Gospel; now He is God’s Servant.” –Dr. J. Vernon McGee
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September 27, 2021
Ray Alary, THRU the BIBLE-Canada Executive Director, remembers the days when he served THRU the BIBLE in his role at Trans World Radio.
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