A Word from Gregg Harris | July 2022
June 30, 2022
Being Faithful
We love your letters. We even love your questions.
Recently, Jim, long time on the Bible Bus, asked, “How do you know?” He’s asking how to quantify THRU the BIBLE’s effectiveness. How do you know how many countries, how many listeners, what’s the progress, etc.? What’s
the best way to inspire and motivate everyone to pray and to give to this mission?
All great questions, Jim. Thanks.
This issue speaks to our core values and bottom line, the measure of success for THRU the BIBLE is our faithfulness and diligence in getting the Word of God out as far and wide as possible. It’s a different way of looking at progress, I know.
We do look carefully at what we hear from the various regions (If you’re on the World Prayer Team, you know all about those responses). We care about the stewardship of what God entrusts to us and invest only in what we feel are the best options.
But if we only went to the high response areas, we wouldn't be in the hard parts of the world, or where the Word of God may be more needed.
Often we just need to wait and be faithful to what the Lord has for us. He will open the doors—we’ve never lacked for opportunities. Not all of them are perfect fits. Not all of them are for right now. We listen and we watch and wait and stand
ready to act.
That’s a good word for all of us, isn’t it? Let’s pray for each other in this important issue.

Gregg Harris
THRU the BIBLE, president