A Word from Gregg Harris | April 2020
April 03, 2020
Jesus said,
“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations … teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. -Matthew 28:18-20
I’m sure you’ve read or heard these verses before. They’re among the last words Jesus says to His disciples before returning to heaven. But if you would, read them again and take note of the striking, comprehensive scope of Jesus’ words:
- Jesus has total authority.
- He wants us to reach all nations.
- We are to teach everything He has commanded us.
- He is with us always.
Only God Himself can make this extraordinary statement. No human could lay claim to such power, nor give such an audacious, staggering command. We are to tell all nations everything Christ has commanded. How could such a mission be possible?
Well, we celebrate it this month: When Jesus appeared to the disciples after He died on the cross, after He rose from the dead, this is our proof that He is God and our only hope of ever fulfilling this Great Commission.
They accepted the evidence, obeyed His command, and hundreds of millions through history have followed in their path to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
And the train of faithful witnesses continues to this day.
Happy to have you on board the Bible Bus. We still have so much ground to cover.
Grateful for your partnership,

Gregg Harris
Thru the Bible, president