A Word from Gregg Harris | February 2021
January 28, 2021
Light pierces the darkness ...
If you’ve ever flown at night and looked at the dark landscape below, you know that a tiny light is visible from a great distance.
Today, a tiny light is shining in spiritually dark Kazakhstan in central Asia where locals say, “to be Kazakh is to be Muslim.”
Imagine our surprise to get this letter from a Kazakh woman:
“I used to believe we were born as followers of the religion of our country, and so we will be till we die; we cannot change our faith. Then I started to listen to your program, and I understood what it really means to believe. I believed on the name of Jesus Christ through the radio. I cannot read the Bible at home because if my husband finds out about my faith, he might kill or hurt me. But I was given an SD card with your programs recorded on it, so I listen to them secretly. Thank you for bringing me the Word of life. Jesus has become my life.”
And just like that, a light pierces the darkness.
Keep praying toward our goal of taking God’s whole Word to the whole world. Like old Zacharias prayed, “Through the tender mercy of our God … to give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:78-79).
Grateful for your partnership,

Gregg Harris
THRU the BIBLE, president