Jesus in Revelation
January 28, 2021
-Adapted from Dr. J. Vernon McGee's study of Revelation
We met Jesus in the Gospel narratives first as a baby. That’s how He entered the world the first time. He was meek and lowly. He rode into Jerusalem on a little donkey, which spoke of peace, not war. He was the Savior who died for sinners.
Now in Revelation, Jesus Christ enters in great glory. In Revelation 19, the gates of heaven open and Jesus Christ the Lord exits, seated high on a white horse of warfare. Behind Him follow the armies of heaven, all on white horses and dressed in dazzling white linen. Jesus’ eyes are a blaze of fire and out of His mouth comes a sharp sword to conquer the nations, then rule them with a rod of iron. He is now the judge of a sinful world, and on His head is the crown of the sole ruler of earth. On His robe, dipped in blood, and on His thigh is written, “King of kings and Lord of lords,” and no one alive doesn’t tremble at the sight of Him.
If today you’ve wondered why God doesn’t deal with the evil in the world, look to this day yet future. Jesus is called “Faithful and True” because He has come to execute the long-time program of God. He is making good on God’s promises. He is addressed as “The Word of God.”
Jesus also has a name that no one knows but Himself. What is the name? We will discover it in eternity, and it will take that long to really know Him. This is eternal life—to know the one, true God. And the more we know Him, the more exciting He will be.
As Revelation ends, the Lord Jesus repeats what He said from the beginning: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last” (22:13).
Oh, the name and the person of Jesus, the centerpiece of Scripture and focal point of time. How awesome and unspeakably wonderful He is! The Lamb of God slain before the world began, now lifted up in His rightful place.
May the Spirit of God make Him real to you today.