Articles & News

Have You Heard of WhatsApp?

January 28, 2022

Remember when we said we would use any communication method we could to take THRU the BIBLE to the whole world?

Several years ago, a creative ministry partner, Mobile Christian Network, had the idea to share THRU the BIBLE’s daily program on WhatsApp, and today it’s spreading like wildfire in Africa and South Asia.

More than 2 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to communicate every day. In addition to sending texts, videos, documents, etc. by WhatsApp, people are now sharing THRU the BIBLE with their networks of contacts (up to 250 people at a time). 

As of late 2021, more than 21,000 subscribers listen to THRU the BIBLE on WhatsApp.

5,337 in Arabic | 7,470 in English | 7,892 in Tamil 

From our WhatsApp Bible Bus family:

I am a pastor of a small rural church. The church in Africa faces many challenges but is filled with hope and growth. In the midst of ministering and carrying the burdens of ministry, Dr. McGee’s teaching brings me fresh insight and strength as I listen to his simple, profound, and straightforward exposition of God’s Word. I have been blessed by the faithful teaching of the Word of God and am encouraged to put into practice the words of the Bible for me to honor and glorify God in life and ministry. - Joseph from Malawi

I have been blessed spiritually and my community has, as well. I conduct a Bible study on Fridays at my home (15 in all). The blessings I received from the Ephesians study are indescribable, and I have the privilege of sharing them with my family. To God be the glory always. - Samson from Zambia

Thank you for this study through the Psalms. It has indeed helped me to really see how large God is and how deep His love toward me is. Just a chapter of Psalms can explain God’s love more than a thousand books out there can. Looking forward to the next book of concentration. I love you all. - Benson from Nigeria

I am hungry for God’s Word. I really want to go to Bible school, but I don’t have the money. I am blessed to be a part of this program, and it’s doing wonderful things in my life and the lives of others in my ministry. Please send me the notes and outlines for Psalms and Ephesians so I can print them and teach Sunday School and Bible studies. - Justice from Sierra Leone

The messages have been a blessing to me during this pandemic. It heals, gives energy, spreads positivity, and helps me get closer to Jesus. Thank you for the wonderful teaching. This has become my daily consolation. I ask the Lord to direct your steps and strengthen you to spread this light to all. How can I help others to join us? - A Tamil subscriber in India

Woah! Getting to know and understand the book of Ephesians has been so incredible. It has really impacted me so much, and I am transformed by the understanding of the Scriptures. -Lawrence from Kenya

I have learned a lot from the teachings on Psalms. The teachings have inspired me to evangelize my community. I recently bought a Bluetooth speaker and broadcast the teaching for the benefit of my community. Around 50 to 60 people listen to the broadcast daily. -Gabriel from Sierra Leon

Wow, such beautiful, sequential, and great preaching. This is my spiritual food. -An Arabic-speaking friend from South Sudan

I have tremendous blessings and gained more knowledge from the expository teachings of Dr. McGee. Our relationship with God, the coming Savior and His suffering for the world, the predestination of the birth of the church, and the provision God made for the Gentiles to worship Him under one Shepherd—Jesus Christ. These truths make me grateful. -Patrick from Nigeria

I thoroughly enjoyed studying Ephesians. I learned insights I had not seen before. Thanks for making the Bible come alive through the Bible studies. God bless. -Ian from Zambia