A Word from Gregg Harris | December 2023
November 29, 2023
A Wonderful Assignment
I had my assignment. As we got ready to record our weekly conversations in the studio for December, Steve and I were asked to bring our favorite letters from 2023 to share.
No problem—I keep a running collection. However, when I started to review them, I realized I had a big problem—how to choose my favorite? No way could we ever read them all!
I realized that a common factor in all my favorite stories was that they were shared by everyday, ordinary, broken people discovering the precious life of Jesus Christ, alive in them—and they couldn’t help but share it with someone
else. We have what people need, and we are doing what we can to get it to them—isn’t that the mission of THRU the BIBLE?
Let me share a line or two from some favorites:
- Susan from the UK writes of the World Prayer Team: “I am so encouraged and uplifted by the notes from brothers and sisters all over the world … I take each request to heart, and I keep a notebook to write down some of the letters that
especially touch me. This way I can remember to pray for them a bit longer.”
- John from Ohio shares: “The Bible Bus has been a light in my darkness and is guiding me as I help others. I listen to your program daily at my lunch break, and I’ve now got about 12 others who join me. Please pray we will be a light to
those around us who so desperately need it.”
- Amanda, a young mom, says: “Thank you for teaching me different lessons at different stages of my Christian growth. Thank you for keeping it available for the next generation. We need it and so will they!”
I’m opening a new folder for my favorite letters of 2024. I’d love to include yours.
Thank you for your generosity of spirit and funding this year—these letters are a testimony to your faithful investment in 2023. Together, let’s do it again next year as we follow God’s lead.
Grateful for your partnership,

Gregg Harris
THRU the BIBLE, president