A Word From Gregg Harris
March 02, 2025
Grace and Peace
Following in the footsteps of the men who wrote the letters of the New Testament, let me greet you as they did—Grace and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ. As we study the letters of 1 & 2 Peter on the Bible Bus in the coming months, it struck me that this greeting says a lot about the recipients of the New Testament letters.
Every Greek knew the word charis—or “grace”—simply meant, “Hello!” The “grace to you” phrase Peter used took it one step deeper, essentially saying “greetings from God the Father and Jesus Christ” to explain where this grace was coming from. And every Jew knew the traditional Jewish greeting shalom, which means “peace.”
With this combo greeting of “charis and shalom” in almost every New Testament epistle, it was clear that God intended these letters were for everyone in the ancient world, and He wanted everyone to feel included.
We’re finding the same is true on the Bible Bus as we take His Word and Dr. McGee’s teaching into languages where it’s never before been heard or studied. The people receive it as a message to them. The Spirit uses it to communicate God’s grace and peace in personal ways. Language is never a barrier for the Lord.
Only two things are eternal: God’s Word and people. Thank you for investing in both as together we take God’s whole Word to the whole world.
Grateful for your partnership,
Gregg Harris
THRU the BIBLE, president