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Better Than Angels

December 27, 2024

-Dr. J. Vernon McGee, from our Hebrews Bible Companion

‘Tis the season when we hear a lot about angels. They are amazing players in the Christmas story, appearing multiple times to deliver a message from God. But the message of Hebrews tells us that the Good News gets even better than that …

The Glory of Jesus, Higher than the Angels

Jesus’ mission in coming to earth included offering Himself as a perfect sacrifice for sin when He died on the cross. After doing that, He ascended to heaven, to return to His honored place at the Father’s right hand where He controls the universe, holding all things together by the word of His command.

But it gets better! Something in heaven exists there now as reality that was not there in eternity past: The glory of Jesus is present in this exalted place, His nail-pierced hands and side—each reminders of His becoming flesh to purchase our salvation. His sitting down at the Father’s right hand shows us that the great work of redemption is complete—complete in Jesus.

This is the gospel. For this reason alone, this proves our Jesus is superior to angels. This was an important truth for the first readers of this letter, Jewish Christians, to embrace. Many had an over-fascination with angels, as well as being enamored with their spiritual heritage wrapped up in the Law of Moses, Abraham, and the prophets. They needed a fresh reminder that Jesus was all they needed.

Jesus Christ is the Son; angels are servants. Christ is King; angels are subjects. Christ is the Creator; angels are creatures. Christ at this moment is waiting until His enemies will be made His footstool. The Father never gave such a promise to an angel, but He says one day His Son will rule over everything.

Yet, that exalted state does not disqualify Him from being able to represent you and all of sinful humanity before a holy God. Though He is exalted, He became lowly in order to bring you back to God. No angel was ever subjected and made low enough to pay the penalty for all sinful humanity. Only Jesus willingly accepted that humble position when He became human (see Philippians 2:6-8). Only Jesus, not angels, was destined to rule over the future of the world (Hebrews 2:5), because He gave His life to save it.

Not only have angels not ruled in the past, they will not rule in the future. They have been servants and messengers in the past, and they will continue to be servants in the future. You have only to rehearse the refrains of the psalms to understand God’s perspective of the wonder of Jesus’ humanity: “For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and honor” (Psalm 8:5).

God made man lower than the angels at creation. Psalm 8 makes it abundantly clear that humans were made lower than the angels. Yet, Jesus—the God-man, who is higher than the angels—willingly humbled Himself to a position lower than angels to bring about our redemption.

Ultimately, God’s purpose for humanity is to honor us and exalt us as displays of His amazing workmanship—His ultimate creative achievement. Though created beings, angels were never given that astounding distinction. In fact, the Bible teaches us that people who trust God in Jesus will one day be joint heirs with Him and join Him in ruling over all God’s universe for eternity. No angel was created for that purpose.

At the dawn of the New Testament, the story of Jesus begins with a visit to a humble servant named Joseph. One night in a dream, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in order to deliver to him a life-altering message from God: “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:20-21).

That’s why Jesus was made a little lower than the angels. To become the Savior of the world. For that brief time He was on earth (33 years), He was made lower than the angels in order to fulfill the holy purposes of God.

He was made a little lower than angels in order to suffer and to die.

He was made a little lower than the angels in order to receive a crown of glory and honor.

He was made a little lower than the angels to redeem the world from sin.

He was made a little lower than the angels to lead us back to God in glory.

Today, Jesus reigns in glory and honor. Though in eternity past He existed as the second Person of the Godhead, because He humbled Himself in obedience to suffering and death on the cross God exalted Him, in human form, to the place of highest honor—where He now intercedes for you before the Father’s throne. That’s the good news of Hebrews.

My Turn

  1. For us, life can frequently feel out of control, but if Jesus truly holds the universe together by His word, how should that change the way we think about the things which overwhelm us?
  2. Why was it important that the readers of the book of Hebrews understand that Jesus was superior to angels?
  3. It wasn’t just that God sent His Son; Hebrews makes it clear that Jesus came at the right time. This is a great lesson for us. How can you more fully rely on God’s timing in your life?