World Prayer Today

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No exclusions; everyone is in

April 07, 2023

That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. -Philippians 3:10 (download our free printable of this verse here)

The death and Resurrection of Jesus was the ultimate game changer. Everyone can come in. No one is excluded. No matter who we are, no matter what we’ve done, God stands ready to accept us if we choose to believe (see John 3:16, Acts 10:43, John 3:36). That’s the beautiful message of the cross and the joyful message we hear from Mohammed in the Middle East:

“The grace of Jesus saved me! Jesus has changed me. I had a problem with arrogance, and I wanted something/someone to change me from the core, and Jesus did! I started loving people, which my previous religion never taught me to do. Thank you for your programs that helped me hear the Lord’s voice so clearly. He talked straight to my heart! The love of God is so overwhelming. Please pray I can show and tell others about the hope and life I have found in Jesus Christ.”

Praise God for the power of His Word. Pray it reaches more people throughout the Middle East. This weekend as you gather to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, may the reality of His love overwhelm you, too.

Want some ideas to help you focus on Him this Sunday? Here’s a quick list:

  • Get up early and read John 19 and 20.
  • Invite someone (a neighbor, a work friend, a child) to go with you to church. Take a walk with them or take them to lunch afterwards to talk about their experience.
  • Make a list in your journal, “Because Jesus rose again …” or “Why the Resurrection matters …”
  • Serve someone in need today. Ask the Lord to show you who they are and what they need. Pray for and with them, if you can.
  • Read and listen to some of Dr. McGee’s most loved messages on the Resurrection of Jesus.

We’ve got a lot to pray about next week in Eastern Asia. We’ll meet you there.

Listen here to TTB-Arabic.