Poems & Quotes
2 Peter 2:21, 22
A Pig is a Pig
"Come home with me," said the prodigal son.
"We'll sing and dance and have lots of fun.
We'll wine and dine with women and song.
You'll forget you're a pig before very long."
So the pig slipped out while mamma was asleep,
Shook off the mud from the mire so deep.
Around his neck was a bow so big,
He's gonna show the world a pig's not a pig!
With his snout in the air he trotted along
With the prodigal son, who was singin' a song.
It must be great to be a rich man's son.
He would surely find out 'fore the day was done.
It didn't take him long to realize his mistake–
He'd been scrubbed and rubbed 'til his muscles ached!
He squealed when they put a gold ring in his nose
And winced with pain when they trimmed his toes.
He sat at the table on a stool so high
A bib 'round his neck and a fork to try,
While the prodigal son, in his lovely robe,
Kept feeding his face, so glad to be home!
When the meat came around, the pig gave a moan.
It looked too much like a kind of his own.
He jumped from his chair with a grunt and a groan,
Darted through the door and headed for home.
His four little feet made the dust ride high,
For he didn't stop till he reached that sty!
It's what's on the inside that counts, my friend,
For a pig is a pig to the very end!
–Evelyn C. Sanders
"Friends, if you came in here today unsaved and you walk out of here unsaved, I am the worst enemy that you have ever had, because you have heard the gospel and you can never go into the presence of God and tell Him you have never heard the gospel. You have heard it, and it will be worse for you when God pronounces judgment than for any heathen in the darkest part of earth today."
–Attributed to Dr. A. C. Gaebelein
"Someone asked the late Dr. Harry Rimmer, 'Suppose the boy had died in the pigpen? What then?' Dr. Rimmer said, 'Well, if he had died in the pigpen, there is one thing for sure, he would not have been a dead pig. He was a son.'"
–Dr. J. Vernon McGee
2 Peter 3:1-13
Pigs and Sons
The pigs and sons are marching–to and fro
From pigpen to the Father’s house
And back again they go.
It’s hard for me to tell just who is who,
With cleaned-up pigs and dirty sons
And (then) vice versa, too.
But in the end–on this you can rely–
The sons will fill the Father’s house,
The pigs will fill the sty.
–Listener from Northridge, California
2 Peter 3:8-18
We mutter and sputter, we fume and we spurt.
We mumble and grumble, our feelings get hurt.
We can’t understand things, our vision grows dim,
When all that we need is a moment with Him.
–Author unknown
The lark’s on the wing;
The snail’s on the thorn;
God’s in His heaven–
All’s right with the world.
–Robert Browning, from Pippa Passes