World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Off the wrong path, into God’s hands

March 09, 2018

Raj from Goa, India, wrote to us recently about how his life went from spiraling down the wrong path to being safe in God’s hands. Perhaps his story has a familiar ring to it—and perhaps you’re praying for someone you love to make a turnaround like this.

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How did that home group start in India?

March 05, 2018

This week our world prayer journey explores what God is doing in South Asia—and specifically today in India. Our update comes from a brother named Bharatbhai who leads a worship gathering in his home.

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Exchanging my weakness for His strength

February 27, 2018

Today our world prayer journey brings us to the stunning country of Ecuador, where we meet with a listener named Jorge who shares: “I have great faith in God, for He saved me from the filth in which I lived."

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The truth shall set you free …

February 26, 2018

John 8:32 says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” And that’s exactly what we are praying today as we travel to the gorgeous country of Belize.

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Pray for the message in Myanmar

February 20, 2018

The gospel is relatively new to Myanmar. For generations, Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) was closed to outside influences. Now, as they slowly emerge, many are hearing the name of Jesus for the first time.

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Discover the promise of Psalm 62

February 12, 2018

God’s Word tells us that, “[The Lord] only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be moved.” Welcome to World Prayer Today as we travel to Albania and meet with Ilda, a young woman who clings to these words in Psalm 62:6.

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“It always makes me happy . . .”

February 09, 2018

Today on our World Prayer Tour, we visit the sub-Saharan country of Ghana. Surprisingly, Ghana’s official language is English, but more than seven million—about a quarter of the population—speak Twi.

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Still walking with Jesus!

February 08, 2018

Have you heard it said that the Christian life is not a sprint—it’s a marathon!? “Jack,” a listener to the Umbundu broadcast of Thru the Bible, understands what this means.

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