World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Proof God answers prayers

October 24, 2023

When you pray with us for God’s Word to reach His whole world, He answers. Want proof? Listen to this story from a fellow Bible Bus passenger in Ireland.

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“Am I too late?”

October 23, 2023

No matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, it’s never too late to turn to God. Your checkered past, your foolish mistakes—they don’t matter. The only person who can’t be forgiven is the one who doesn’t turn to receive it by faith.

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Work that matters

October 19, 2023

Who we are and what we do matter to God. These are the important lessons Gregorio learned as he hopped aboard the Bible Bus with us in Colossians.

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How to set your mind on things above

October 16, 2023

Quick: Name some verses that remind us to keep our minds focused on God and not the problems or the temporary pleasures of this world. Did Colossians 3:2, Isaiah 26:3, or Philippians 4:8 make your list? What others?

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You are our church

October 13, 2023

Welcome, World Prayer Team, today we’re back in the Indian state of Gujarat, this time praying for Home Groups who study God’s Word in Rathwi, a language spoken by around 400,000 people around the world.

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Growing Home Groups in Gujarat

October 12, 2023

Known as a hotbed for religious tension—where Hindu extremist groups have the support of the state government and local police—Gujarat, India, seems an unlikely place for God’s Word to take root. So, be glad in the Lord as a fellow Bible Bus passenger tells his story.

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Open doors in Nepal

October 09, 2023

If you’ve been on the World Prayer Team for a while, you’ve been an instrumental part of praying for our Home Groups. This movement of the gospel being spread, house to house, is happening in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, and North Africa as people listen to THRU the BIBLE in their own heart languages.

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Praying for hope and help in Belize

October 06, 2023

Today our journey brings us to the gorgeous country of Belize. While many consider it a traveler’s paradise, each day many Belizeans struggle to survive. As we pray our way through this country of contrasts, here are a few things to keep in mind.

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I tried it all

October 05, 2023

“I tried it all.” That’s how a fellow Bible Bus passenger named Lucia describes her journey to faith. Here’s more of her story.

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Praying we seek God with our whole hearts

October 03, 2023

Seek God with a whole heart. Don’t just memorize Scripture, but obey it. That’s what we learned today on the Bible Bus, and that’s what we’re praying for this week as we travel on our knees through Central America and the Caribbean.

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Seasoning our speech

September 29, 2023

It’s hard to see our friends make bad decisions. How do you gently and kindly help them see how it’s hurting them? How do you support them without supporting their choices? That’s the struggle a listener in Cabo Verde faces.

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