World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

Battling envy

August 31, 2023

“Throughout my life I have struggled with envy. It destroyed many relationships and made me an angry person.” That’s the beginning of a letter we received from Paloma as we travel on our knees praying for God’s Word as it goes out in Paraguay.

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Learning to rest

August 24, 2023

Are you tired? Overwhelmed? Stressed out? God’s Word tells us we don’t have to live that way. When we walk with Jesus, He’ll do the heavy lifting for us and we can learn to breathe slowly and easily because He has lightened our load.

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Finding peace in God’s love

August 23, 2023

Trusting in God no matter the circumstances isn’t always easy. However, reflecting on God’s Word and His unchanging character can help. That’s what we’re learning as we travel through the Psalms together, and it’s also what we hear from Ming in China.

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Praying Psalm 23 in Hong Kong

August 22, 2023

“Beaten, battered, baffled, and bludgeoned.” That’s how Dr. J. Vernon McGee described King David as he sat down to write Psalm 23. That’s also how a listener in Hong Kong felt before she came to study God’s Word with us.

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God’s way is better

August 18, 2023

Life doesn’t always turn out how we think it will, but when we focus on the Lord and join in fellowship with others who love Him, it can be more beautiful than we expect.

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Sharing God’s Word until He calls us home

August 17, 2023

“Until God calls us home, let’s be faithful to keep getting the Word out every way we can.” That’s the challenge THRU the BIBLE president Gregg Harris left us with in our time on the Bible Bus today. It’s also the mission of Mahima who joins us on the Bible Bus in her language of Hindi.

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Serving God at each age and stage of life

August 16, 2023

As we’ve traveled the world together on our knees, we’ve found that fewer than 20% of Sikhs know a Christian and in some people groups and regions, the name of Jesus has never been heard. So today as we gather to pray, we stop and meet a listener named Anita who lives in Punjab, the heart of India’s Sikh community.

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Who are you going to tell?

August 14, 2023

Did you already hop aboard the Bible Bus today for our study in Psalms 13–15? If you did, you heard Steve encourage you to invite a friend to join us. That’s exactly what Bandita in Assam, India, is doing.

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Joyfully shout to God

August 11, 2023

God is good and worthy of our praise. That’s what we hear today from a Congolese listener named Camile, as our travels through Africa continue.

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Not ready for God? Think again.

August 10, 2023

“As a child, I knew God was there, that He was with me, I just didn’t know what to do about it.” That’s the beginning of a letter we received from Abdoulaye in Cameroon.

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Can God change me?

August 07, 2023

“I wasn’t sure I could change.” That’s what we hear from a listener of THRU the BIBLE’S African Portuguese programs as we travel through Africa this week.

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How does God talk to us today?

August 04, 2023

If you hopped aboard the Bible Bus today, you heard Dr. J. Vernon McGee describe Psalm 2 as a word of warning and a word of wooing. And that’s what Jun in the Philippines found as he listened to God’s Word, too.

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